
I've been meaning to watch it for a while now but it'll probably end up being one of those shows that I keep saying "I should watch that" but never do :P

No. The last DC cartoon I regularly watched was the first Teen Titans series.
I tried LoSH and it just wasn't for me and I honestly don't want to watch an entire season I won't care for until it possibly gets good.

Honestly, I think LoSH is one of those things that would work much better in animation than live action (it would need an absurd amount of special effects to look even remotely good) but it'd be interesting to see them try to adapt it

Oh… in that case maybe they have already appeared but their origin story is so overly complicated that we missed it?

…can't I just find both of them annoying?

I'm just not a fan of her character so far. If you are, great, but she just does nothing for me

Wasn't it announced Hawk and Dove (not sure which ones) were going to be part of the Teen Titans cast? If they were, I doubt they are going to show up here anytime soon. Unless they manage to do a crossover between the two shows, of course

I get why they changed Firestorm from having transmutation powers to being a Human Torch knockoff (comics Firestorm is absurdly overpowered) but I am kinda sad we'll never see him create a giant baseball bat out of thin air or something silly like that

If TNT's Teen Titans show is somewhat decent it'd be cool to see them try a Legion show (which would arguably be easier than TT)

Can I bask in shirtless Amells insted of Thea?

There are a few articles online saying that the show may move over to SciFi (or SyFy, or whatever they're calling it now) because they aired a marathon of the show and it apparently did well, but right now those are only rumors.

No one mentioned it so far, but you should keep in mind that when people recommend Persona games they are generally recommending Persona 3 and/or 4.
Persona 1 and 2 (which is made up of two games) are VERY different from P3 and P4. They have a somewhat different battle system, gaining new personae is totally different

So if he doesn't actually shrink, how is he The Atom

But wasn't Belle Reve used only (or at least mainly) in SS?
The Vault is used in a lot of Marvel series because they have a ton of characters based in New York, so I don't think it's quite the same as Belle Reve

Yeah, when Barry told her "You're a good reporter… and the only one I know" I though that only one of those things was true, and it wasn't the first one… hell, now that he knows Linda the second one is also not true

I don't think DC has a specific big prison for metahumans, mainly because their superheroes aren't as centralized as Marvel's.
Each hero tends to either have a separate place where they send their enemies (Batman has Arkham and Blackgate, Flash has Iron Heights, the Legion has Takron Galtos, etc) or they just send them

I read the plan is to supposedly have him join the team next season after he reforms. I just want more Hartley now :P

Yeah, that was weird. Couldn't they just look up the surveillance video in Star Labs? it's not like they can't hack the CCPD database, so there was no actual reason to go to Barry's office

Not the show's strongest episode but still great, if only because of that last scene between Barry and his dad.
Gustin is a great superhero and a charming leading man, but he's at his best when he has an emotional scene with Shipp or Martin.

Not one of the show's best episodes but good enough and it at least gave us some more info about Dr Wells.
Iris continues to annoy me (why was she being so smug at the press conference??? she just repeated what the other guy said) but I guess it's good they are finally giving her a story that isn't about her romantic