
The thing though is that we haven't gotten a single scene where the characters comment on it, so right now it looks like we're supposed to think all these changes are for the better (or, in the case of David Lee, necessary).
FA has been slowly turning into LG since Diane joined the firm, and at no point has a character

I got them for cheap from BetterWorldBooks a year or two after the show ended and remember being so dissapointed.
The second book is basically filler and the third one wraps up everything in the worst way possible (I'm not sure if I read the first one… may have skipped it because it was a prequel)

It is, but that is mainly because Glee has become, for the most part, a horrid pos in the last 4 seasons or so.

Doubt anyone cares because Hart of Dixie probably doesn't have a big following here*, but it should be noted that today's episode is just a rerun of the season premiere. That episode aired liked two week ago

I'm not as positive about the second season as you are (Jensen Ackles aside I though it was pretty bad) but I agree, it was a pretty good show.
Having read the books that wrapped up the story I'm glad the show ended when it did thought because those books were reaaaaally bad

I wasn't as big of a fan of s01 as most people (I thought the performances were mostly great but the mystery was kinda crap) so I didn't love the s02 premiere, but Colman was just as great here as she was last season and that makes the whole thing worth it

It's already been announced it's going to air on BBC America in March. If you don't want to wait then… maybe you can hibernate until then?

No idea about that (the movie doesn't premiere here until February) but from what I've read quite a few critics agree with you.
I don't think I've seen any critics call it bad, but none are particularly impressed with it.

If they wanted to be the new Will and Diane she should have stepped up a lot earlier
That's another reason why I can't get excited about shipping moments, they get in the way of more interesting character development.

Where did you get that idea?

Downton and The Imitation Game both film in England, maybe he sounds more excited about those projects because he just likes to work closer to home?

How is The Covenant one of the worst supernatural thrillers ever made???
It gave us a scene with Taylor Kitsch and Steven Strait wearing skimpy swimsuits, that alone makes it cinematic gold

Alicia is […] mad at her dirtbag husband

Wait, after next week we have to wait until MARCH for the next episode????? Why? Do the CBS scheduling executives hate us or something??

Isn't that first picture from the first season though? Czuchry has definitely lost weight (he's said so in a few interviews) but those pictures are at least a few years apart, so that's probably why the difference is so noticeable there

Why didn't Kalinda take the two seconds to change it back when she got the new lead?

This is the first time I've completely disagreed with one of this show's reviews. I thought this episode, just like the last 2, was very, very weak.

He does not get laid (though a new character is introduced in the last episode whom I assume we're supposed to think is going to be his love interest next season) but his big storyline this season is about him being gay.
After Jimmy gets fired and we're subjected to one too many scene with the Bates, Thomas

wasn't Edith supposed to be editing her fiance's magazine after he disappeared? That seems to have gone by the board

This season had plenty of weak/bad stuff (anything involving Mary and her suitors or the Bates) but I thought it was probably the show's best season since season 1.
Edith's story moved slower than I would've liked but it was pretty good, it was great that they finally gave Thomas a different story than usual and Cora