
Finished watching the season today and this episode is when it all started to go to hell for me.
Up to this point the show was pretty good. It had some bad parts but they were balanced out by some other really good parts. Starting with this episode that balance went to hell and the show started to focus more and more

I was a bit worried at the end of the episode because I thought they were going to have Rodrigo say he loved Jai-alai in a drug induced haze, but I'm really glad they avoided that overused cliche.
The show is at its best when its actually dealing with stuff related to the orchestra or the arts. Whenever it goes into

I meant it's similar to Devil Survivor's battle system (you don't see your party, just the enemy, and choose all your actions before the turn starts)
Probably should've clarified that :P

With its ridiculous crossover plotline, Persona Q delivered when it came to delving deeper into character development and also satisfying anyone who might have envisioned (or fictionalized) a get-together between the teenage ensembles of Persona 3 and Persona 4

I was also wary of the game using Etrian Odyssey's gameplay instead of Persona's, but it's been simplified so the differences aren't that jarring.
From what I've read, unless you choose the highest difficulty level the game is easier than your standard EO game (mainly thanks to the sub Persona system) and you can even

Same here. I dropped the game a while ago (between Persona Q and starting a new job I haven't had time for it) but when I was playing it I had a hard time putting it down because there were constantly new things to do and the few frustrating things it had were balanced out by some other really fund things

It's a tought call but yes, I'd say he is cuter than chibi Amaterasu. They are both adorable as hell though

I didn't play that many games this year but my favorite game was Fantasy Life. It's not perfect by any means (advancing through some of the lives can be very repetitive, for example) but it's very charming and it's full of stuff to do, moreso if you get the DLC (which I still have to do)

What can I say, "We are Young" was so overplayed that I ended up hating them

I used KtM as an example because I though it was the worst episode of the season, there were several episodes I didn't like

True, but I don't know if I can remember an episode as divisive as "Kill the Moon". People were either calling it outright garbage (I am one of those people) or saying it was a good episode because of its last scene

This season did have two very divisive episodes which could explains it not being on any of these lists

I love that GotG is both the second best film of the year and also the second most overrated film of the year.
I'm one of the people who think it was overrated (I've said it elsewhere but I don't quite get why the movie got such good reviews) so it's good to see there's dozens of us *insert Arrested Development gif

Well, you have to admit the promise of shirtless Jamie Dornan is a really good marketing tool

10. The show has pretty bad ratings so it probably only got renewed to reach enough episodes for syndication

I actually agree with everything you said about Geoffrey.
While I loved Geoffrey and Josh's relationship in season 1, I also found it infuriating because I couldn't understand what Geoffrey saw in Josh, so I wasn't very surprised when they broke up.

…they do? It seems weird to me to just go around giving Fs to show for no reason
I mean, if you had a specific reason for hating a show then I probably could understand it, but what's the point in wasting your time giving a show you don't care about an F?

If they don't like the episode I have no problem with them giving it an F, but I find it hard to believe anyone could really think every single episode has been so bad that it deserves an F, if only because if you keep watching a show (even though you apparently hate it) at some point you have to start grading it on a

Constantine's community grades are actually lower than they should be. A few people keep giving Fs to every episode, which brings the show's grades down (this episode, for example, would have a B+ if it weren't for those Fs)

Well, she had to make room for the bedroom mirror ceiling somehow