
More like "women be pickin' up really hot guys (and then gettin' them killed)"

Were all the people in the casting department fired before they could cast people to play the cops or were those really the best "Spanish" speakers they could find? Because what they said wasn't only grammatically incorrect, it also barely sounded like Spanish

I was about to comment on that. Didn't John explicitly say that the house would protect her if she didn't go out? It can be safe to assume that Zed (accidentally) deactivated the house's protection spells when she went out to buy art supplies/pick up hot guys

I'm glad Carrie Diaries is listed here. It wasnt must see TV, but it was a pretty good teen soap, and had one of the best LGBT storylines I've seen on network TV in a while, so I was sad when it was cancelled (and then I was angry when Beauty and the Beast was renewed over it)

Same here. I loved the show but the last couple of seasons have been pretty bad, so it's not really surprising it's not here or in the main list

I still don't get why everyone is raving about Jane the Virgin (I don't think it's bad, just don't see what's so great about it), but I'm glad it got nominated because
A)it's great that there's a show on network TV with a mainly latino cast
B)it's finally time for the CW to get some recognition. I know everyone jokes

Outside of one article and one Sailor Moon Crystal review does The AVClub ever consider anime?
It seems like if we want any kind of anime commentary here we have to be satisfied with making a thread in WOT.

Same here. The show did some things very well (Richie, Doris, Dom's arc) but at the same time it was so focused on things that didn't work as well (anything related to Agustin or Patrick's general blandness, for example) that those good things got a bit lost

So does this mean we're not getting a The Good Wife spin off centered around Elsbeth? Too bad, that's what I was hoping for now that Preston is finally free from True Blood

If you think the show is "a standard, ho-hum, case-of-the-week legal drama with some continuity" then yes, you are missing something.
While the show does have a case of the week format, most of the time it looks like it only has it because it's on CBS. The show has always been far more interested in developing its

I'm surprised Looking is listed here. With the exception of "Looking for the Future" (which was great) the show wasn't that good. It wasn't terrible, but it was not on the same level as any of the other shows on the list
It's great that there's a show with a lot of gay characters, but most people didn't care about most

With one exception it doesn't get better. "Looking for the Future" is an great episode and probably the one to watch if you are interested in the show (it works on its own so you can watch it without knowing much about the show), but the rest of the season is ok at best IMO

Maybe Wells is a future descendant of Eddie? That could explain him being RF and also why he spared Eddie

I was a bit wary of Gustin when he was first cast because I only knew him from Glee, but he's been a very pleasant surprise here

So is it in the Amell's CW contract that at some point they have to wear a terrible wig?

Great episode, easily deserving of a much higher grade (I gave it an A- because, while it was great, I don't think it was as good as "Feast of Friends", which IMO is still the show's best episode)

I don't know if I'd say this was better than "A Feast of Friends" (maybe if there had been more of the naked model…), but this was totally one of the show's best episodes and deserves much more than a C+

I doubt it'll win, but I'm rooting for The Good Wife. The show has been amazing this last couple of seasons and, even though I'm one of the few viewers who didn't like Will, his death was still really effective, so I'm hoping "The Last Call" gets some recognition

He's gay in the comics (and dating Pied Piper), the only difference really is that in the comics he's not out

Last episode Wells did mention a few members of the JSA, so it's not completely impossible