
I don't know if the woman at the end of the episode has been introduced in Arrow, but I think she's supposed to be Sandra Hawke. In the comics she had a son with Oliver (Connor) who would later go on to become Green Arrow

I know the names Wells listed are probably just easter eggs, but I'm gonna take them as confirmation we're getting a JLI or JSA spin off

Yes, it's like you traveled back in time…

This game was the main reason I bought a 3DS (well, that and because even if there were JRPGs for the PS4 I can't afford one right now) so I'm glad it's getting good reviews.
It sucks that we can't choose between the male and female P3 protagonists but I guess it makes sense because they would've had to include her in

Baccarin is on the promo for the next episode, so you can expect her on your TV on January.
And Barbara broke up with Gordon, so nothing bad has to happen to her for Gordong to get a new love interest (though something should happen to her, like accidentally getting a brain so she stops acting like a damn idiot all the

I mentioned it on WoT, but I'm hoping the show does get picked up for a second season. It still has a few things that could be improved, but overall it's a pretty good show. Matt Ryan is playing Constantine perfectly and all the changes the writers have made since the pilot have been for the better, so I hope it

Scorpion? I remember reading it had a good premiere but no idea if its ratings have gone down since (though I doubt old people have learned how to change channels from CBS since then)

Deadline is reporting that production on Constantine will stop after episode 13 but, unlike A to Z or Bad Judge, the show isn't cancelled yet and there's a chance it'll be renewed for a second season (the last episodes went up in the ratings and it apparently has good DVR numbers).

So… prayer circle for Cary?

The only way Matt is leaving the show is if the writers have Alicia win the election. Without Matt and Archie the only regular characters left would be Grace, Diane, Eli (who probably can't show up every episode because Cummings is still doing Cabaret) and Finn, which doesn't seem like enough characters to sustain the

It's not amazing (Arrow and Flash are much much better DC adaptations) but it's not bad

The producers have said they currently have no plans to do anything with John's bisexuality, so we sadly can't expect him to make out with Corrigan anytime soon

It can, I have just never heard someone use that phrase to mean something other than what I mentioned

I know what straight means, like you said I had just never heard someone using the phrase "scared straight" to say they are trying to turn someone straight

A somewhat bland episode, but I'd agree with everyone saying it should have a higher grade. I'd say it's around the B-/C+ range.
(speaking about grades, who keeps giving every episode an F in the community grade?)

I loved the comic so this is good news, but if they cast someone other than Michelle Forbes as Miranda Zero then that makes me less excited. The 2005 pilot was pretty bad, but Forbes was perfect for the part

He's gay, so Looking would be more likely

"introduction of a DJ who could or could not be The Pied Piper"
He's not Pied Piper. It's already been announced Andy Mientus is going to play him in The Flash

I guess that's possible. Maybe he won't be able to manifest himself until he meets Professor Stein

I know he's going to show up eventually, I just don't think Iris was talking about him in this episode