
Kinda surprised Return to Cranford was chosen over Cranford. It's been a while since I've seen them, but I remember liking Cranford much more than its sequel (if only because the original had the dreamy Simon Woods).

"Recently started watching Downton Abbey, which is pretty fantastic"
I guess you're still in season 1? Start expecting a massive drop in quality because that show went to hell really fast (although last season was a big improvement)

Isn't Caitlin just a biologist/genetecist though? She wouldn't really have the know-how to create the freeze gun

I wonder how much slashfic is going to be written of the Eddie/Barry scene.
Two attractive guys in tight white shirts and one of them is saying "harder… harder"? It's like the writers wanted some more fanfics and knew this was the best way to get them.

Every show needs *Susanna Thompson

Weird, Lego!Karen Gillan's hair looks less fake than Real!Karen Gillan's

Smallville had been on the air for three seasons at that point -
Smallville started in fall 2001, and Routh was announced as Superman in October 2004. Not really the same thing as announcing it a few episodes into Welling assuming the role…

But DC's cinematic and TV universes have always been separate entities, why would they have to start worrying about how one thing affect the other now?
I mean, I doubt they considered how casting Brandon Routh affected Tom Welling and, regardless of most people's feelings about it, Smallville was just as successful as

Awww, Lil' Bruce is in love. Those scenes were really sweet and probably the best part of the episode. Well, second best. The best part was finding out Lil' Bruce isn't actually confined to one room and can actually get out of the library

"Girl is gorgeous and exactly what Peter would go after"
The thing is that we've already seen women like her who seem like they are having an affair with Peter but turned out to be red herrings (Melissa George's character is the last example I can remember), so I assumed Ramona was just another example of this

Probably because those were the only consistently good things about the show

Just have him get shirtless as often as possible. If it worked for Eric Dane it'll probably work for him.

I have to admit I was more surprised at finding out Peter really is sleeping with Ramona than I probably should've been.
For the last 2 or 3 seasons I've assumed that the show gives us the possibility of Peter cheating because Alicia is never sure if he is cheating on her or not, but he's not actually sleeping with

I honestly don't understand all the raves the movie got. I thought it had a really weak plot that was supposed to be held up by good characters, but only 2 or 3 of the main characters were entertaining enough to do that.
Gamorra and Nebula were just generic sci-fi warrior chicks, Ronan only had a couple of funny one

Well, someone has to pick up HBO's slack (the fact that it took 4 seasons to get some shirtless Richard Madden is proof that HBO needs a CEO of Naked Dudes)

"He isnt as douchy as Adam"
As someone who watched the first 5 seasons of the show (well, 4.5 out of 5… only watched half of season 4) I can safely say that no one on The Voice is as douchy as Adam. Unfortunately, most people don't comment on his constant douchiness because he's a somewhat good looking dude so he

The flash icon on Barry's backside would probably be better

"No flashbacks this week and no visit to Iron Heights"
There was a flashback. The scene with Grodd (which, BTW, hell yeah!) was a flashback.

Upvoted because I may have gone on Tumblr to search for gifs of shirtless Barry for… academic reasons

Gordon IS dreamy (and I'm talking about McKenzie!Gordon and Oldman!Gordon), so if Selina is getting caught to see him then she's suddenly become a much better character. Well, she's just become a character… so far she's just a plot device