
…didn't they have to pay whoever wrote this episode anyways? Or do the Simpsons producer get their writers from the Universal Studios work camps? (I'm guessing the Epcot ones can only be used by ABC/Disney/Marvel)

I laughed at the end of the scene when Alicia, Diane and Cary are discussing his case. When Diane asked Kalinda a question I was surprised for a second that Kalinda and Alicia were in the same room… and then they showed they're just talking on the phone.
I don't really believe the BTS rumors, but the Kings have to know

Why would they stop? Cary still (supposedly) committed the crime he's accused of.
Also, Castro pulling out of the race probably gives him more reason to want to send Cary to jail. Before Cary was only a tool to discredit Alicia, now he's a way to get back at her

It was a pretty weak episode (though I can't say whether it was stronger than current Simpsons fare or not because this is the first new episode I've seen in a long while) but at the end of the day I'm happy to get more Futurama.
It probably would've been better if it had been a two parter/an hour long episode though.

"There’s a club massacre that happens off-screen, and for some reason the guys then take the acetate to a college radio station"
I thought it was obvious that the henchmen were being controlled (or influenced, at least) by the acetate which, in regular evil artifact fashion, wanted to go on a killing spree

The AVClub September 11, 2014: "The Rise of the rom-sitcom: The romantic comedy’s questionable move to television"
The ACVlub November 7, 2014: "Selfie joins Manhattan Love Story and A To Z on the heap of romantic comedies spurned by a cynical America"

It’s a pleasant show, but you don’t walk away feeling much of anything

I assume The Lego Movie or Big Hero 6 are going to end up winning because Oscar voters only care about how succesfull a movie is (especially when it comes to animation), but I'm really hoping Princess Kaguya wins. It's easily one of the most beautiful movies I've seen and Takahata deserves at least one Oscar (I've

It's probably not saying a lot, but that was Gotham's best episode so far, if only because of Robin Lord Taylor's speech before he killed Maroni's goon.
For all of this show's flaws (and, even though I enjoy the show, I am perfectly willing to admit it has quite a few) one thing that has worked from the very beginning

He can't do anything about it.
Cary's team already knew he was innocent and they found out Bishop's old crewmember was alive so he doesn't have any information to give them, and even if he did, doing so would probably break some kind of law or maybe get him disbarred

For what it's worth, I agree. Yes, the gipsy magic line was cringe worthy, but other than that I thought it was an ok enough episode. Somewhere in the B range I'd say

No, she was pretty terrible.
This episode may have many weaknesses but it has one thing over the pilot: the Constantine/Zed dynamic works much better than Constantine/Liv, partly because Lucy Griffith couldn't act her way out of a paper bag and partly because Liv was just a boring character

I'm just going to quote my comment from the last A to Z review 'cause I'm lazy

Completely agree. About a year after the new 52 started I started dropping all the DC comics I was reading (although lately I've been thinking of giving JL Dark, Swamp Thing and Animal Man another shot), but I never even considered dropping WW because it's by far DC's best book.
I'd probably go as far as saying that

I'd love for that to happen but, unless the writers were planning to have Andrew and Zelda get married mid season and then divorce in the season finale and they just happened to get cancelled on the marriage episode, that's not going to happen.
NBC is only airing the episodes they've already shot, and I honestly doubt

I know it's not surprising the show got cancelled because the ratings were pretty bad (though I don't know why anyone thought an NBC Thursday night comedy would get good ratings) but it still sucks. Oh well, at least they'll air the remaining episodes

Agreed about Lydia. Her character should annoy me just as much as Stu does, and yet her one liners always crack me up.

What's the DCWU?

The thing is that if Flash were written using his powers to the fullest extent then any fight he is involved in would be over in less than a second because he can react faster than any enemy possibly could which means he can stop them before they've done anything
Writers tend to avoid having Flash disarm his opponents

Yup, he played Sebastian in Glee's third season. That season was also the one where it had become clear Glee's writing was going downhill really fast, so it's good Gustin left the show before it dragged him down