
Cisco was also introduced in Arrow? Guess I should really get around to watching the first 2 seasons

What's the name of the Arrow episode where Caitlin first showed up? I only started watching Arrow this season so I thought only Barry had been introduced there.

Wonder Woman. It's current release date is June 2017

No, those are all just RoosterTeeth employees. They organized this Extra Life stream and they got LeVar because his daughter (who was also there) is a fan of theirs

The Peroti/Elsbeth scenes were really good but they were also the main reason why this episode wasn't as good as it could've.
They were really funny, but the humor in those scenes was too wacky, which clashed with the tone of the rest of the show.
Also, I agree that the episode's characterization of Elsbeth was a bit

I hate it too but in my case it's because, like @SeasTooFarToReach:disqus said, it feels like the characters are just going back to where they were last season instead of moving foward. The set iself is still ok (and probably more believable than the new set)

I'd like to think that this is all leading to Alicia finally figuring out that Cary is right and Diane really is leading them back to where they started but right now it does seem like the show wants us to think this is all for the best

Actually, now that you mention the security guard I have another question. The guard was unlocking the very secure main door, so how did Maebh get out of the building???

Also, the kids aren't the only ones that took pictures of the forest and there's also video of it.
How would people be able to forget about it when they have records showing it happened?

Wait, if Maebh was Sir Digby does this mean the Doctor is finally ginger?

I know I should be wondering how a forest grew overnight or what those firefly things were (was I the only one who couldn't understand what they were saying?) but all I want to ask is, do major London museums really arrange sleepovers for small groups of children? Hell, does any museum anywhere in the world do that?

Totally agreed on Swinton and Stormare. They are reason enough to watch the movie

Upvoted just for the Goon reference (can we get NBC to cast Julie White here?)

Apparently A To Z is more a tasteful indie rom-dram than a raucous bestselling rom-com
Has the show ever hinted at this not being the case? Starting from the trailer you could see that the show has always been aiming to be a sweet romcom and not a laugh out loud kind of show

*Venezuelan telenovela

But shouldn't they at least lose some points for not letting us see the abs?

No, I remembered them. They are just not nearly as good as Flash or Arrow (and I say this as someone who kinda likes Gotham), so I didn't consider them worthy competitors.

I know, I meant I was waiting to see if the writers actually follow through with the lawsuit (meaning, Jane gets an absurdly large check from the doctor) instead of having Jane drop the suit after hearing the doctor is going to lose her license or something like that

I still can't say I see why everyone loves JtV so much (guess I'm waiting to see if they actually have her sue the doctor or pull some CW bs and have Jane forgive her) but I'm glad it got renewed simply because it's a show with a mainly latino cast and which actually uses subtitles.

It's going to run the entire year… really? I assumed it was going to have a regular season because a full year run sounds like a completely stupid idea on American TV.