
If they didn't cancel The X-Factor mid season odds are they won't cancel Utopia either.

I'm glad he got another chance at fame because Glee being anyone's only chance at fame is pretty depressing

The thing is that, weird as it may be, the CW has been going through a creative renaissance these past few years.
In the last 3 years they've aired the 2 best superhero shows on TV (some critics even named The Flash pilot as the best pilot of the season), The Carrie Diaries (which was great for LGBT representation and

I've been working under the assumption that Peter is still very much in love with Alicia, and that's why he's had such a strained relationship with her since the kitchen blowup. He can't bring himself to tell her he still loves her because it's crystal clear that she doesn't feel the same anymore

I know Peroti is a total creep but I love his scenes with Elsbeth. I'm really hoping those (possibly literally) crazy kids make it work someday

I'd agree that it's unrealistic they haven't either changed Lockhart for Lee or gotten rid of the L (assuming Canning doesn't want to give David Lee more power) but it does make some sense for Will's name to still be there.
Most of his clients are probably still with LGC, so leaving his name there gives them some sense

I don't think there's been an official announcement yet (when the Kings are asked about that they tend to give evasive answers) but most people agree with the 7 seasons theory

Will made that comparison last season. He told Diane they were "Bill and Hillary on steroids"

Not as good as the last 2 episodes, but I'd still say it was pretty good.
There are a lot of moments here that on paper should be super cloying, but Feldman and Millioti have such good chemistry that they are sweet enough without being annoying. Like, for example, when Zelda offhandedly mentioned them being married in

It sucks, but it's probably for the best. Kalinda hasn't really had an interesting story since season 2, maybe 3, and the last few times the writers tried to give her one we ended up with He Who Must Not Be Named and Annoying Irish Lawyer, so Panjabi's probably better off headlining her own show.

I know I shouldn't really be excited about this because DC hasn't had a good track record with live action movies for a while now, but I don't care. We're not just getting a WW movie, if the origin story they chose is anything to go by, we're getting a WW movie based on Azzarello's run (which, IMO, is the second or

A good reason is that the more interlinked two shows are then the more you have you consider how the events of one show affect the other, which can easily end up killing one show's momentum.
Look at AoS, for example. The show's status quo was going to be deeply affected by Captain America 2, so the writers were forced

So, I'm not the only one that was expecting a scene where we learn that the Multiplex that died was just a dupe and the original one escaped right? I mean, that probably still is what really happened, but I'm surprised we didn't get that scene. Wasn't expecting this much subtlety from a CW show

I'm not an old school Flash TV show fan but I'd still agree with you.
It's entirely possible Shipp will end up being the weakest actor in the cast, but so far he hasn't been given enought to do to say that

If you didn't like the pilot then you're better of skipping it.
None of the episodes that have aired are great TV, but the pilot is still the best of the bunch, so if you didn't like that you're just not going to like the show

So I guess I'm the only one here who's kinda glad it got a full season order? I know the show has serious tone issues, but I still think it's pretty fun.
And, who knows, maybe now that they have more episodes the producers will actually at least try to fix the show's issues (I know it's Fox so that's never going to

The thing is that part of the reason why the image of "Saint Alicia" is so effective is that it works for the left (the idea of a woman who managed to rebuild her life after a horrible situation) and the right (the idea of a woman who stood by her husband). Alicia standing by her son/Nissa may give her a boost with

Odds are she will sue the doctor but will then discover that if the doctor loses his license then his life will be ruined so Jane will feel bad for him and drop the suit, or some bs like that

I hadn't thought about that but that would also make sense. I remember there was a scene in season 2 (or possibly season 1, don't remember) where she broke down in tears in front of one her kids because she wasn't sure she was being a good a parent.
It'd make sense that, regardless of how much Alicia's grown since

4) According to the Good Wife Writers' twitter feed the photo was from the second episode of the whole series ("Stripped")