
This week we learned that the Kings aren't fans of grim cable dramas or Chris Hardwick. The latter makes me wonder if they post here.

You'll be sorely missed here. Your reviews are part of the reason why I look forward to Good Wife Sundays so much

But, like I said, there wasn't anything I particularly disliked about the episode. Like @dygitalninja, I thought this was a serviceable enough episode but there wasn't anything special about it

An A? …really? I can't think of any particularly bad scenes in this episode, but I thought it was just a B, maybe a B+ because Jenna looked great in that 20s/30s dress*. Capaldi was great, as usual, but there's no way this was better than "Into the Dalek" or "The Caretaker" . I could buy it being better than last

Yep, that's Michael "Crazy Nipple" Ginsberg

I agree that this episode was better than the pilot if only because it was funnier. I laughed at the "Basically, she's a whore" more than I probably should've
Also, that little jump that Zelda did at the end of the episode? Most adorable thing I've seen all week

I'm one of the (apparently few) people who think season 2 was a massive step down from season 1.

The pilot was only ok, but they've made some changes since then (including getting rid of Constantine's sidekick, who was the weakest part of the pilot) so I'll join you in being optimistic about it

Do you really think there's a chance in hell Steve won't be back to being Cap in a year or two at most?
You're right, Marvel, and DC for that matter do make "shocking" changes every now and then (Falcon Cap, female Thor, dead Wolverine), but those are always temporary (see: Bucky becoming Captain America, Spiderman

"Wait, why IS Marvel so afraid of moving the Spider-Man story forward?"
Because, under Quesada, Marvel had the exact mentality that DC has had under DiDio/Johns. They think the silver age was better simply because that's what they grew up with, so all characters have go back to how they were back then (even if that

http :// goo. gl/ GptTKu (added the spaces so the comment won't get stuck in moderation)

Didn't Green Lantern and Batman keep their old continuity after the reboot?

But in DC's case WB owns all their characters, so it doesn't really matter in what network a show airs because, at the end of the day, WB is getting money from that show anyways

The "no new X-Men" rule is basically useless because there's already way too many X-Men so, if anything, this could actually be a good thing for the comics' writers because it'd finally make them realize that there's a lot of good X-Men characters that haven't been used in a long time.
Having said that, it's probably

IMO, Flashpoint was a good idea (fun as it may be to have characters with tons and tons of backstory it does scare a lot of people away from comics) but it was handled in the worst way possible.
That's why most DC series other than Wonder Woman have been various shades of terrible since the reboot. Instead of using the

Because Geoff Johns has more or less been running DC for a few years now and he wants all his favorite characters to be just like they were when he was a kid. Same reason why he brought Hal Jordan back to life (though at least in that case we got some good stories out of it)

I don't know if I agree with that. TASM 1 and 2 are both very flawed movies (2 moreso) but I thought Garfield and Stone were both really good in them

"it still had the freak of the week after the first season"
That's why I wrote "first few seasons". I haven't watched the show since it finished, but I remember they more or less abandoned the FotW formula after season 2 or 3

It's actually "Lightning gave me abs?" but you're right, it's the best line from the pilot

Aside from a small cameo there weren't any Arrow references in the pilot, so you don't have to worry about missing anything right now.
Episode 8 (or 9, don't remember) is going to be a cross over with Arrow though, so those episodes may require some Arrow knowledge