
Didn't Smallville more or less abandon the "freak of the week" formula after the first few seasons when it had developed enough mythology to sustain itself?
Between the Arrow link and just having a better pilot I doubt Flash would have to use that formula very often

"Allen’s transformation into the Flash plays out as an amalgam of the classic comic-book origin and a more recent retcon, with a dash of Spider-Man tossed in the mix"
That's because this Barry is basically Wally West. Which makes sense because original Barry isn't just the fastest man alive, he's also the blandest

Den of Geek interviewed Berlanti and asked him if they were going to CGI Grodd or just get a gorilla suit but he basically gave a non answer:

Fox turned into NBC so gradually we didn't even notice (they should've listened to The Simpsons and just gone into hardcore porn)

It's not like Pedrad was getting a lot (or anything, really) to do in SNL
Even if the show gets cancelled early it seems like a better way to get her name out there than standing in the background in SNL

There is a reference to Grodd in the pilot, so he may end up showing up at some point

Before the pilot leaked almost all reviewers said this was the best new superhero show (Gotham was second and no one really mentioned Constantine) and after the pilot leaked most viewers agreed

An episode where Grace is the useful Florrick child? What kind of witchcraft is this?

I'm so glad someone said it. Even though I didn't like them I get people liking episodes like "Robots of Sherwood" or "Listen", but I can't understand at all how anyone could like this enough to give it an A. Hell, I don't understand how anyone could like it enough to give it a B

"Katey Sagal is future Zelda and she’s just waiting for Andrew to die so she can go date his friend, Stu?"
No, this is just Leela telling Fry an ancient love story. Which means that in a season or two* Zelda and Andrew will get killed by a time travelling Bender

The pilot didn't have any laugh out loud moments for me, but it was very sweet and I liked Feldman and Millioti's chemistry, so I'll probably give it a shot.
Also, there's nothing else I remotely care about on Thursdays so it's not like I have anything else to watch

Good episode but I thought last week's was much better, mainly because I really don't want Alicia to run for SA. I get why it would be a good storyline for the show to invest in (Alicia has always liked power but will never admit it, so running would force her to do so) but that would still be the fifth election

Diane mentioned that one of the conditions for her to move over to FA was that Kalinda had to come over with her, so it's safe to say Kalinda isn't staying in LGC (or whatever they are going to call themselves now)

It's been announced Taye Diggs is going to be recurring this season, so we'll see him in a few more episodes

Watched a stream of the episode when it aired in the UK and I still haven't decided if I liked it or not.
The Clara/Danny scenes were very good (I really like those two together and their scenes with the Doctor were great) and the alien stuff was good enough, I'm just not sure if I liked how those two parts worked

I'd say X-2's battle system is better, but X's story is far better

Alan Cumming is also doing a Broadway show (Cabaret, I think), he must have dyed his hair for that. No idea why he did such a terrible job though

Like @kbeef2 said, he's that season 4 character who we'd rather pretend never existed

Aren't He Who Must Not Be Named and annoying Irish lawyer worse than her?

…sorry, that was the only scene I remembered :P