
Didn't Kalinda tell Alicia Will died?

Look at the bright side, Grace didn't actually appear on screen while Eli's daughter did. We now know that not all daughters in this show have to be as annoying as Grace

I have to admit I was a bit worried after watching the previews that Cary's big story this season was going to be him getting kicked out of his own firm, so I'm really glad that was just misdirection
Great season opener, even if it was basically the "Let's ruin Cary's life hour". I particularly liked that even though

I know it's not a very popular opinion but I honestly like Ashes to Ashes much more than Life On Mars

The episode is probably not going to end up on anyone's list of best Who episodes ever, but it was very fun. It did fall apart near the end (why didn't Ms. Delphox have the Doctor and Clara killed when they were in her office?) and Psi and Saibra's characterization was pretty thin, but the rest of the episode made up

So CW Gotham already has something over Fox Gotham?

Another reason why it's better for the shows not to share a universe is that if something really big happens in one show the producers of the other show don't really have to worry about how it affects them
That's part of the reason why Agents of SHIELD sucked. They had to wait until Winter Soldier came out before they

Overall, I liked it. Yes, they did try to cram in way too much stuff into it (with a much slower pace you could easily make an entire season with everything that happened here) and the soundtrack was somewhat annoying (not every single scene has to have dramatic music) but the setting was really interesting, Jonathan

Can't speak for the brits, but in Spanish he's also called Wally

I thought this was a very messy episode. The first part was quite good, it set a very scary mood, gave us some great scenes between Clara and Danny. But then it just went "oh, the Doctor was just imagining things" and wrapped things up with a sappy speech?
It's not a terrible episode, I'd say it's probably better than

Can we do Luke and/or Jess instead?

No idea (TW is the only show I watch on MTV) but I assume they don't. They should've in this case though

Derek probably was naked (when Kate said "you're… alive" I was totally expecting her to say "you're… naked"), but we only saw him from the abs up so it doesn't really count

I'm pretty sure Kristin Chenoweth won her Emmy after Pushing Daisies was cancelled

Renee is going to be on Gotham. According to Wikipedia she's going to be played by Victoria Cartagena

My understanding of the "never an alpha" line is that, while Peter may have had an alpha's power, Scott doesn't think Peter had the qualities that an alpha should have (being a good leader, taking care of your pack, stuff like that)
It's still kinda BS because no one on the alpha pack had those qualities either, but it

Episode pros:
1) Scott and Derek finally won a fight!
2) Derek being shirtless
3) Actually, just Hoechlin in general. He looked particularly good this episode
4) uh… Parrish looked good in a leather jacket?

I guess every doctor has to have at least one episode like Fear Her (so dumb it's bad) but… this was pretty darn bad

Others have mentioned that Scanlan's work in In the Flesh should've been mentioned in the article so I'm not going to mention it… actually, I am because it's a great show that deserves more attention. Shame on you AVClub for not mentioning In the Flesh

By next season do you mean season 6? Because, if so, that season is going to have 2 word titles (the first episode is titled "The Line")