
"they pretty much confirmed next season will be the last for TGW"
They did? When? I assumed they were trying to make a 7th season so they could go back to 1 word episode titles

I know it's going to happen but I'm still hoping Alicia won't run for state's attorney

Seasons 1 and 2 of TW are pretty good IMO. Yes, they are pretty campy and are hardly Breaking Bad, but they are far from bad
And while it's also true that Smallville hit several lows I don't remember them being as bad as Teen Wolf's (though it's been a while since I've watched Smallville so I don't remember that much

The fact that Smallville had better writing than this season of Teen Wolf is kinda ming boggling
I liked Smallville (Erica Durance is still the best live action Lois Lane) but it wasn't really quality television. Teen Wolf having worse writing speaks volumes to how bad this season has been

I agree on 12/Clara having a 10/Donna feel to their relationship, but I don't know if I really agree with your definition of "Rory'ed"

Thought this was a big improvement over last week. Now that we are over the post-regeneration weirdness we got a real chance to see the new Doctor in action and his chemistry with Clara, and Capaldi and Coleman did a great job on both fronts

I agree that Voyager is a deeply flawed series but it's become my favorite Trek show over the years
The show's best episodes are just as good as the best episodes of TNG or DS9 and even some of the episodes that aren't quite perfect (like Infinite Regress, which is a bit of a missed oportunity) are still quite good

That's not fair. Not all FF fans are are grasping at the glory days from the 90s. Some of us prefer to cling to 2001

So all Meredith did then was find out about the list with her vague banshee powers and set up the dead pool?

Ugh, just ugh. I was fine with Meredith being the Benefactor last week because, silly as it may have been, it was at least a big surprise. But finishing up the story basically saying "Peter made her do it" is just… ugh
I get that the show is trying to re-establish him as the big bad, but if the writers wanted to do

I'd say LaToya is being generous, this was pretty darn bad. If it had been just another episode then I guess it would've been fine, but as a conclusion to the Benefactor storyline it was pretty terrible IMO

I can't say this was a good episode (mainly because I fast fowarded through most of it so I didn't actually watch most of it) but I got all I needed from the ending: Bill died (like he should've last season) and Pam and Eric are super rich

Well, this is the internet, so you should probably be leaving passive aggressive comments anyways

I meant I assumed I'm not the only one who hated Clara suddenly being in love with the Doctor

As with all posts with lots of comments I was only there for part of it. Once you get to the point where you have to click "Load more comments" like 6 times to see everything disqus just stops working for me

It was… ok, I guess. Capaldi was great and as a regeneration story it was ok (not as good as Eleventh Hour but probably better than Christmas Invasion), but as a regular story it was pretty bland

We had asked a few weeks ago and Brandon said "we're not doing regular coverage, but I'm hoping to drop in on it at some point. Helps to know there are some fans here"
So if we're lucky we may get a review of the whole season once it's over

IMO, if you ignore "Let's Kill Hitler" and "The Wedding of River Song" (or maybe just watch the bits where Rory is a total badass) season 6 is much stronger.
The end of River's arc is a total mess, but the first two parter and "A Good Man Goes to War" are great, and the rest of the season has a lot of great episodes

I mentioned it in last week's WOT, but I haven't liked this season as much as season 1
It's still a good show, but it has a different feel to it after the time jump (the main difference I can pinpoint is that Josh is way more confident now) which I'm not crazy about. Also, the new roommate sucks

A to Z was pretty clichéd but I liked it. It didn't have any laugh out loud moments, but Feldman and Milioti have a lot of chemistry and the show was very sweet.
Also, if I just listen to Katey Sagal's narration I can pretend I'm watching a really weird Futurama episode