
I remember this season not being as good as the first one but agree that it's worth watching because of Hamm and Radcliffe's chemistry
If the show does get another season (which seems unlikely because something should've been announced by now) it'll probably be about Hamm's doctor with Radcliffe's being the "imaginary"

I agree that Meredith being the benefactor is a pretty silly idea (how did she set up the dead pool from Eichen House? hell, how did she even know Peter had the money to fund the dead pool??) but it did provide a surprising ending to the episode, so I think the show does deserve props for that

I'll second the motion for less tasteful naked Parrish scenes. Also, this is everyone's weekly reminder of Ryan Kelley's Backlot shoot

It's not mentioned in the article but episode two of "Please Like Me" airs today. I'm looking foward to it (although I won't be able to watch it until it airs in Australia on Tuesday) but I do hope it was better than last episode

Does anyone know if it's been uploaded anywhere else for those of us outside the US?
The NBC player is terrible enough on its own but having to use it through a VPN would make it basically unwatchable

Now that you mention it I do remember Coach mentioning Isaac and Jackson
The Scott/Stiles conversation, on the other hand, I don't remember at all. Do you know in which episode it happened?

"And it’s not easy for anyone to earn those stripes—just ask Isaac"
I hope Isaac found his real parents when he went back to his home planet (that's what I'm assuming happened because the show still hasn't even acknowledged he's gone)

Add me to the list of people who want some sort of coverage for Please Like Me
The first season had some infuriatingly weird things but it was mostly great, so I'm looking foward to season 2

Isn't Grand more pop than country though? Either way, I agree, he is pretty darn hot

Kinda surprised at the low grade. I thought this was one of the season's best episodes (though I admitedly haven't really liked most of this season)

Just watched it and honestly thought it was pretty boring. I do agree with @zoe_butcher:disqus in thinking the cinematography was gorgeous, but the episode spent way too much time in the "present" and very little happened in the past.
I get that it's the show's first episode so they had to spend some time setting

"The animation was worse than in the pilot"
God yes. I didn't think it was possible for the animation to look any worse after the pilot but they somehow made it look even cheaper. The faces looked terrible, specially when they were fighting the monster

I dunno if it's because I find the threat of teenage serials killers laughable or if because, like @avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus said, there's been quite a bit of meandering this season, but I found the episode pretty boring
It was totally obvious Parrish isn't a regular human, so the episode's big

It used to be somewhat good and it's still getting good ratings. That's all you need to keep getting nominations
Well, that or at least one movie star

While I can't disagree with the list I'm surprised "Mock" isn't even mentioned if only for the episode's first scene
That scene is great not just because it perfectly shows the dynamics of Alicia's family in season 1 but because its very intersting to compare it to the family scenes in late season 5 and see how that

Saying it's awesome is probably too much, but it was a pretty good movie that got way more hate than it deserved

I'm pretty sure there weren't newswires for either leak (probably to avoid people posting links to download them), so it's not odd you missed it

The Constantine and Flash pilots got leaked a few weeks ago, so if you look online you can find torrents for them pretty easily

Liv was one of the worst things about the pilot, so this will probably be a change for the best

True, Quentin probably was less of an asshole by the end of book 2, but the problem is that he's the only character I can remember who showed any growth
Julia may be the only other exception but that was A)at the very end of the book B)through a massive ass pull C)right before she got shipped of to Narnia 2.0