
The first one is kinda good and the second one is ok at best.
The main problem the series has IMO is that the basic idea behind it and the setting are very interesting, but the characters are all horrible and/or annoying as hell. Terrible things happen to them in the second book but I couldn't bring myself to care

I'm curious, is he any good on the show?
I don't watch it (been meaning to for a while) but whenever I see praise for Shameless online it's usually for Rossum or Noel Fisher, never for Macy

TBBT may get a lot of hate online (deservedly so, IMO) but a lot of people do like it and think it's a good show, so it's not really surprising it gets nominated even if you ignore how well it does ratings-wise

Every year I say I'm not going to be annoyed at the Emmy nominations and yet, every year I'm more annoyed by them
At this point I don't know who's more stupid, the emmy voters for nominating stuff like Downton Abbey or me for still hoping they won't

It is weird that they're introducing him here and not in the Flash, but they probably wanted to give the Flash crew time to flesh out Barry's side of the DCU before they start introducing other superheroes in the show

I looked up the golden age Atom's wikipedia page to see if you were joking and I seriously can't believe being short was actually his shtick when the character was created. I know golden age comics aren't very complex but… that's just lazy

If he had a less visually complicated power I'd say he'll most likely get them just so they have the option to make an Atom spinoff if Routh is well received, but you're proably right
That or they'll end up giving him the golden age Atom's powers?

I wouldn't say I hated it, but for a show as big as Sailor Moon I did expect the animation to be much better than what we got. I mean, this is an actual frame from the opening:
pbs. twimg. com/ media/Br4PXOECcAIEaST. jpg

I wouldn't say I hated it, but for a show as big as Sailor Moon I did expect the animation to be much better than what we got. I mean, this is an actual frame from the opening:
pbs. twimg. com/ media/Br4PXOECcAIEaST. jpg

"I mean, why cut corners for as important an anime as Sailor Moon, that
will sell oodles of licensed products (again) if the anime is series is
done well"
Probably because they know it'll sell oodles of products regardless of how well Crystal does, so cutting corners isn't a huge deal for them

Knights of Sidonia is a good show (really glad they announced a second season) but I dunno if it would be a great show to review weekly because the story moves really slowly
A review of the entire season would be great though

I liked the episode but still thought the old show's first episode was far better for one simple reason: Crystal's animation looks extremely cheap
The character design took some getting used to (it works better in the manga) but it's ok, but whenever there was CG it looked terrible. Usagi's arms and legs during the

I agree that River's story was a complete mess (that's one of the reasons why The Wedding of River Song is such a weak episode), but if you ignore her story then the Silence two parter is much stronger IMO

Which River episodes?
Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon are both good and A Good Man Goes to War is excellent. Let's Kill Hitler is pretty campy but I wouldn't call it bad.
The Wedding of River Song is really weak, but I'd still say it's better than the other 3 episodes I mentioned

I don't think I can still say I love Moffat because season 7 and Sherlock season 3 were both pretty weak (and also because Bryan Fuller is my one true showrunner love) but I also really like his writing

Well, there are reviews of the Good Wife on the AVClub and people do comment on them so… yes?

Can't say I was expecting this outcome, but I'm happy about it. Hitting the Fan blew Cooperative Caligraphy out of the water IMO and I'm happy it's getting more recognition. I'll never understand why it wasn't submitted for the Emmys because this is the only episode on network TV that can rival Ozymandias (well, the

While I agree with most of the review there's a point I don't understand: how is Daniel Sharman leaving a major change to the series?
Daniel was certainly easy on the eyes and I liked Isaac as a character, but he was never very important to the plot. Other than him hooking up with Allison last season I can't remember a

I agree with and was actually expecting this outcome. The only reason to choose Taikawase over Mizumono is because you wanted it gone before the finals. Mizumono, The Secret Fate of All Life and Cooperative Caligraphy are the only real competition Ozymandias can have in any AVClub discussion (and even then the odds or

Watching the clip on youtube I thought it was funnier that he had to walk all the way from the back of the room to get to the stage. He probably spent more time getting to the stage than on it
Was there no more room on the Days table or anywhere even remotely close by to it?