
While it sucks that the show got cancelled at the very least it went out with an amazing episode
That ending was a perfect showcase of why the show was and (I hope) will continue to be great. It was funny, sweet, it wasn't scared to deal with the more serious issues and it had Lori Laughlin (I don't think you can have

It wasn't mentioned yesterday but there's a clip of The Soup in the article so I guess this is as good a place as any to mention it. For some reason The Soup aired live yesterday and will apparently continue to do so for a while

I doubt it. Will was trying to turn LG into one of the country's top firms, which means he needed lots of new clients, so poaching from other firms was inevitable.
Will didn't mind poaching clients from other firms, he didn't like when other firms/lawyers poached some of his clients

"I'm so glad I lived in Latin America where the airings of the shows were not sanitized"
I'm still surprised how little censoring anime got in general in Latin America. We got stuff like Ranma 1/2 or Saint Seiya that I don't think would ever have seen the light of day in the US without a ton of editing

But Miriam was left alive after shooting Chilton even though she probably won't show up again. Don't see why things have to be any different for Abigail, specially when her actions impact the main characters much more than Miriam's

There's 3 explanations for it:
1. They didn't reconcile. She was coerced by Hannibal to help him leave the country
2. She's been working with Hannibal since some point after that scene
3. We once again underestimated Bedelia's HBIC-ness and she's actually been fooling Hannibal into doing what she wants all along

Jack and Will are probably safe (though they may say Jack is severely injured so Fishburne has time to work on his other projects), so that just leaves Alana and Abigail

Excel Saga is a Magical Girl deconstruction? It's been a really long time since I watched it (probably more than 10 years), but I only remember it as a meta-humor/parody show (something like Community… just more insane)

If you don't enjoy anime then there's really no point in watching it. It's not a bad show at all, but it does have a lot of filler, so it's probably not going to change your mind about anime

The thing is that if Alicia's divorces Peter she loses all her clients almost immediately, FA dies soon after and her legal career is probably over as well. She could of course get another job, but I doubt she would ever be able to be as sucessful as she is right now
Peter, on the other hand, still has at least 3 years

Usually I'd agree that Jackie's comments are just another example of her sexism, but I do agree with her in thinking Peter isn't really getting that much from their arrangement. He definitely needed Alicia to get elected, but does he really need her now?

While I obviously agree with everyone in thinking this was an amazing season I also thought this was the show's weakest season finale. It certainly had a lot of good stuff (Robyn finally coming back, more Clark and, finally, a lot more Cary, Dianne joining FA) but there was also a lot I didn't care for

I think it'll be interesting to see Alicia consider the idea but I'm hoping she doesn't run for SA if only because that'd be the show's 3rd election storyline in 3 years (or possibly 5th, if you include Peter's run for SA and his nomination against Maura Tierney's character)

I want to make a joke about how I loved this episode because whenever Kristen Schaal spoke I would remember Gravity Falls and think for a moment that I was watching a better show… but I just can't. This episode was just terrible.

— No lie, that Kurt/Blaine confrontation was made for me when Kurt bitch-slapped lunch off the piano.
My favorite part of that scene is how Blaine reached out to try to save the lunch bag after it fell on the floor. Either Darren was hungry or it was very subtle acting to tell us Blaine cares more about food than his

She hasn't been mentioned since she wrote her ethics report on the voting fraud, so we're probably meant to assume she quit because of how Eli and Peter handled the whole issue

Loved the last scene with Peter. It was hard to tell if he was saying goodbye to Alicia or if he was trying to figure out why she doesn't love him anymore. We don't talk much about Noth's performance here (mainly because most people don't like Peter) but he deserves major props for that scene IMO

No, it's pretty bad. Every now and then they make an ok episode or they have a really good cover but most episodes are a mix of bad and infuriatingly horrible

I was planning to skip A to Z because it sounded extremely bland but that trailer made it look pretty sweet. I'll probably give it a shot, if only because I can pretend Leela is narrating the show to Fry

The Crazy Ones did get better as it went on. It was far from being one of the best comedies on TV (though, oddly enough, it may have been the best comedy on CBS) but it was pretty enjoyable