
Maybe Rachel´s amazing perfomance of People is making me forget the bad parts of the episode, but I though this pretty darn good. I´d give it at least a B or a B+
On top of Rachel´s amazing performance we were finally rid of CHORD OVERSTREET´S stupid ponytail, Blaine and Kurt slowed down their relationship (yeah,

They probably either want to make sure the audience likes him or they're not sure of Matthew Goode's availability

I'm pretty sure Finn mentioned something about pictures of his wife and child (I think he was showing them to Will). But even if he weren't, I doubt the writers are going to pair him up with Alicia anytime soon

Not really. He obviously didn´t like Will, but he know his death devastated Alicia. So he´s upset because she´s upset.
Peter can be faulted for many things but at the end of the day he really loves Alicia and he doesn´t want her to be this upset

I assumed it was an excuse to get rid of the character as quickly as possible to avoid another Nick situation (and Damian was well on his way to become as annoying Nick) but I guess it could be set up for another episode

It also looks like Damian is gone, so if this episode had a silver lining is that we got rid of the two characters no one liked this season

It´s a testament to how great the writing on this show is that even someone like me who didn´t like Will still found the episode very effective. That last scene was heartbreaking

I find it pretty funny how whenever the show provides fanservice for the female/gay male audience at the same time it makes it unpleasant to watch somehow.

Really? Good thing I don't keep up with her then because that's so unfortunate it's kinda uncomfortable

Why is it unfortunate for the GOOPster to be on TV? Is she fighting another magazine or something?

"Daniel Sharman (yeah, it's time to put him in the opening credits)"

I was spoiled about 20 mins before the episode aired while looking for streaming links (damn you tumblr!) so the actual death wasn't as shocking as I would've liked it to be, but I was still surprised by the fact that the writers had the guts to even attempt this. And not just because this is a huge change to the

It hasn't been officially cancelled, but it's been taken off the air. The remaining episodes were supposed to start airing after the Olympics but nothing has been announced yet
The ratings before that were also really bad, so it most likely has been cancelled

The sadness of the opening scene with Abigail was probably eclipsed by the Bella scenes but I still thought it was heartbreaking.
Not because it shows Will has completely accepted she's dead (I know he wasn't in denial about it, but to me it feels like he hadn't accepted her death yet) and not because he's telling her

A+++++++++++++++++. One of the best episodes the show has done

I assumed it was the bodies of many, many past victims. If every meal Hannibal eats is made out of someone, then he needs a lot of bodies

Even if she hadn't taken the morphine Hannibal most likely wouldn't have eaten her.
In the first episode Garrett Jacob Hobbs didn't eat his last victim because her having cancer meant, to quote Will, "there was something wrong with the meat". Hannibal would've probably said the same thing about Bella


He has, but the show has a lot of series regulars. Some of them always go several episodes without much screen time (Matt Zuchry is probably the best example of this)

Kinda surprised at the high grade. I mean, it wasn't a bad episode. The scene at the coffeeshop and Jackie's (imaginary and regular) scenes were all great and Elsbeth was awesome (as usual). The problem is that the episode felt like filler in the middle of a 3 episode story.
Other than showing slight improvement in