


This didn't work at all for me. I wasn't crazy about "The Quarterback" but at least that felt like it came out of a good place. This just felt completely manipulative.
Without the flashbacks it could've maybe worked as a final goodbye to Finn, but with them it felt like the writers were trying to milk Finn's death

I think Damian (that's the Irish guy's name, right?) somehow found it and leaked it because he seems to want to bring down Florrick/Agos just as much as Will.
By leaking the video he could get Peter thrown out of office, and without the connection to the Governor FA looses most of its appeal (more so if Alicia and/or

They're probably bringing Artie to NY because they need more characters to sing in the background while Rachel and Blaine sing and that's almost everything Artie has done in 5 years

A. The Britta/Jeff/Duncan and Abed/Hickey plots were so good that I would've been happy if either one had been the sole focus of the episode and the Chang one really was the best Chang plot since at least season 2


I never said they were dropping them because they are POC, just that most of the POC characters are being dropped.

Mercedes will supposedly be back in some capacity next season (or maybe late this season, don't remember) but yeah, when the show moves to NY it'll drop most of it's POC characters

I agree, what little I remember of the episode is that the 10/Reinette scenes were really good. The thing is that I haven't seen the episode in a really long time so I couldn't really say whether it's better than Blink or something like The Good Wife's "Hitting the Fan" (which is the most recent thing I've seen that

"Sure let's bring everyone's family along"
Moffat already did. Young Sherlock was played by his son

I agree that Blink could very well claim that title but I'm not sure I can say that about Girl in the Fireplace anymore.
It's a great episode and I loved it when I first saw it so, objectively speaking, it also has a good claim on the title, but thanks to my general dislike of Rose, total lack of interest in Mickey and

I watched this episode when it aired in the UK and still can't decide whether this episode was worse than TEH or better.
On the one hand the character moments in this episode were far better than in TEH, but, on the other hand, the case of the week of TEH made sense while this weeks was riddled with plotholes.

Yeah, I know that in universe it was probably at least a month between them breaking up and getting back together, it's just that for us it was only a couple of weeks (and Walt didn't even show up on one of those weeks), so it seemed a bit pointless to break them up

Hopefully if the show gets another season it moves completely to the city because while I didn't really mind Donna or Carrie's dad, Mouse and Dorrit were always boring, and I lost all interest in Maggie after her dad fired the guy that got her pregnant

Really? I vaguely remember it had ok ratings (well, ok for an NBC comedy)

B. Not bad but hardly the season's best episode

C for the episode, D+ for the season

"it was an actual good show with a great ensemble cast"

Yet another reason why NBC shouldn't have cancelled Goon. Not that it was necessary really. Julie White was reason enough to renew Goon.