
Easily the best episode of the season. It's a shame that's because the other 2 are so weak though.

"Looking at the grade for this episode and the previous two, there's part of me that feels I've been too easy on Enlisted starting out"

Nathan's good looking but he's not even my Firefly celebrity crush (Sean Maher FTW)

A. I'll miss Troy but this was a great goodbye episode

I think I'm repeating what others have already said here but I'll say it anyways: this is a really bad review.
And I'm not saying this because I think the episode deserve a better grade. If fact, the only reason I wouldn't give it a lower grade is because, as I said in Myles' review, this is a weak season in general.

But that's my point, this season was far weaker than the other 2. It doesn't deserve a similar grade

Honestly surprised at the high grade. IMO this was easily the show's weakest season. The Sign of Three was a fun episode, but the other two were just bad, the last one more so because it's full of plot holes

What I meant is that I wanted the characters to deal with Pierce's death instead of mentioning it and then doing something almost completely unrelated
Someone below mentioned they wanted the episode to be more like Intermediary Documentary Filmmaking. That's basically what I wanted

B. Loved most of the jokes but I was expecting a follow up to the end of last episode

But wouldn't it have made more sense to just say Pierce died at the start of the next episode? That way they could've avoided rushing the announcement and given this episode a better conclusion

But she already has something to do. She's supposed to make a psychology reference every other line so characters can make fun of her

Are we supposed to be sad that Pierce is dead? I'm mainly just confused. That came out of nowhere and they barely did anything with it.
If Chevy asked for Pierce to be killed or next episode is about the group dealing with his death then I guess it's ok, but right now it's just too random and it really hurt the episode

B. Was going to give it a B+ but the end kinda sucked

There were times when the episode came across as fan fiction and apathymonger is right in that there was some padding that could've been cut, but even those moments were still funny and not really out of character, so overall I'd say it was a huge improvement over the season opener and easily the best 2nd episode of

Really? I always thought dioramas were the language of love

I would've been extremely disappointed (and surprised tbh) if the show had just pretended Pierce didn't exist. If they can own up to Chang's crazy storylines then they can certainly reference Pierce not being there

Chevy's cameo was an extremely pleasant surprise. I don't think I'll really miss him (especially if s05 teacher Chang is as good as s01 Señor Chang) but it was still a really nice cameo

A- and A. I'll probably like Repilot more once I watch it again, but right now all I can think of is Abed's breakdown

I liked it as well but thought it was easily the worst series opener (and probably the 3rd worst episode overall)
My main problem was that the bombing plot was very weak. There was never any sense of urgency to solving it, other than Mycroft saying it was a big deal.
Also, I get that the season is very short so they

But he was hardly memorable in Thor. Eccelston being in Thor was probably as helpful to his career as Tennant being in Harry Potter was to his