
Somewhat surprised the episode got an A, but can't really argue with it. I don't really have any specific complaint about it (well, the fanboy in me wanted more Rory but I know that would've made no sense) but it still felt more like a B/B+ episode

The Ryan Gossling movie that Matt starred in is coming out next year and he's currently busy with the American Psycho musical (which has gotten mixed reviews overall but have been positive about his performance) so right now it looks like he'll have a lower profile post-Who career than Tennant but higher than

1. The Doctor's Wife
2. Pandorica Opens/Big Bang
3. The Girl Who Waited
4. Amy's Choice
5. A Good Man Goes to War

A. It probably wasn't as good as "Hitting the fan" but it was still great.

So this episode had Nathan Lane, Jackie fighting with Veronica, Eli doing a spit take, John Noble, two awesome Will/Alicia scenes AND something good came out of Irish dude's storyline, and yet, because the community grading system was taken down, we can't give the episode the A it clearly deserves?
Ugh, never hated the

"Should Peter walk around saying “I AM THE LAW”?"
Yes, he should. In fact, from now on all of Chris Noth's lines should be "I AM THE LAW"

I'll reply to this comment because for some reason it's showing your first one as awaiting moderation (guess the AVClub REALLY doesn't want us grading episodes)

I've been trying to find somewhere to watch the show again since I saw the Everwood "reunion" pictures on twitter so that storyline was easy to remember :)
Other than that horrible pregnancy storyline and Hannah's general boring-ness, Everwood is easily one of the best prime time soaps ever made IMO. Glee's writers

I may be alone in this but I thought this was one of the best episodes Glee has done in a while. Admittedly, that's not saying much because the show basically sucks these days and I'm probably being too nice because of shirtless CHORD OVERSTREET, but still.
Other than Marley's none of the episode stories were

B-, mainly because I still believe CHORD OVERSTREET makes everything in this show better.
Honestly, if they had replaced the Marley story with something anyone could even remotely care about I'd probably have given it a B or maybe B+ because by current Glee standards this was pretty good

I'm honestly surprised there weren't more fanboy moments like that because Gatiss is probably the biggest Who fanboy after Moffat

Other than the cameo at the end (which was nice but totally unnecessary) this was quite good IMO.
I do wish that it had been a bit longer though. Yes, streamlining the show's development was probably a good idea, but it would've still been interesting to get some more details about how they decided to use a police box

Taking in count how long it took for me to even find the review I'm guessing we're no longer allowed to grade episodes because we're not allowed to read reviews

Isn't the episode's name "The Next Month"? That's how it's listed in CBS' website and how Josh Charles called it on twitter yesterday. I think "Ice, Ice Baby" was the original name but it was changed later

She was wearing a wig. And they didn't really give an explanation for why she faked it. I guess you could assume she wanted to rebel but actually cutting her hair would've been going too far so she just faked it

But, unless I'm forgetting something, those are all other people's plots that she was just a part of or just not really important.
The Rizzo thing could've been done by any of the other female characters. The prop for the rival school thing was basically irrelevant (they could've introduced Unique without that and it

I enjoy close ups of Darren Criss shaking his booty as much as any other gay guy but the twerking storyline was just way too creepy. And totally out of place.
I mean, the other 3 plots were about cheating, rebellion as a way to cope with grief and Unique's place in school*. If they had focused on Will rebelling against

Really? An A-? This episode was pretty weak, IMO. Especially when compared to the last 2.
I mean, yay for more Nathan Lane, getting rid of Anthony and Zach's continued status as the useful Florrick child, but everything else was kinda boring.

Diane losing the judgeship was totally expected but it kinda brought up a problem I have with the LG/FA division that I hadn't thought about last episode.
The thing is that I really don't like Will, so my main interest in the LG side of things was to see how Diane would navigate the end of her time with the firm while

Everyone's already said it but it bears repeating: Best. Episode. Ever. Seriously, this episode had everything we hoped for and more.
One of my favorite things was the Diane/Cary meeting. Not because Cary finally told Diane things he should've said a long time ago, but because it showed that while Cary may act like