
As things stand it does seem far more likely that LG will go down or something will happen and they will be bought out by/merge with FA. But if this episode has proven anything is that the writers are more than capable of taking things we expect to happen and make them 100 times more awesome

Probably the best episode since the pilot… though that's probably not saying much

Not entirely sure what happened during the NSA scenes (did the end up deciding they can go ahead and spy on Peter or what?) but it was still a good episode. Not as strong as last week's, but still good

Fuller mentioned in on of the SDCC panels that they had to cut a scene in one of the first 3 episodes of Zeller having sex with Freddie Lounds (that's how she got her information at first) so while Zeller could be bi it's seems unlikely he and Price are a couple

I don't know what sucks more, that Bunheads was cancelled or that it was cancelled before they could cast Megan Hilty in a cameo role so she could be on screen with Bailey Buntain

So what you're saying is that Lauren Graham should guest star on Bunheads once it's renewed? Yeah, I think we'd all be fine with that

While I'm glad she wasn't there (because that would mean Bunheads was cancelled) I'm kinda sad Sutton Foster wasn't in the "TV Sucks" number. Also, that number was just further proof that Megan Hilty deserves to be a much bigger star

I thought almost the exact same thing when I first saw the show but have since warmed up to it… though I'm not sure if it's because I'm come to like things I hated before or just because it's been a while since Pushing Daisies went on hiatus and I've missed Fuller's shows (and I don't care what anyone says, in my head

For all the criticism Voyager gets (and I won't deny there's plenty to criticize) it's still probably my second favorite Trek series. Some of the series highs (Year of Hell, Counterpoint, Timeless, Scorpion) are just some of the best episodes Trek has ever produced.
"Infinite Regress" (and episode I'm surprised no

1. I thought Under Pressure was a perfect representation of Smash. The longer it went the worse it got except for Hilty who was great throughout
2. You don't make even the faintest promise of a Let's be Bad performance and then not follow up on it Smash writers! That's bad and you should feel bad for it! (seriously,

I'm still glad to see Community getting any kind of critical attention (what can I say, I'm not ready to disown the show) but yeah, pretty weird that they nominated Danny. Jim Rash, Gillian or Joel had a much better season IMO

Agreed. Won't miss the show because the writing was terrible, but it did have quite a few really good songs, most of which were obviously sung by Megan Hilty

well, it's probably more like "Mrrrow", but most youtube clips have it under "Meow" so I just used that.
It's a soundbite, you should feel free to make it as insulting as you want

who cares about "Rock Center with Brian Williams"? NBC just cancelled "Meow with Brian Williams"!
It's a sad days when executives don't think about how cancelling shows affects The Soup

slight spoilers for Hanibal, I guess?

I'm pretty sure they had said Peter's bank accounts were frozen while he was on trial, so while he was rich they just didn't have access to any of his money, just Alicia's

I actually meant they would compete for who has the sexiest spinning chair. Adam's is getting old while Usher is new and sexy

As usual I disagree with the AV Club hivemind when it comes to The Voice. Thought this was the worst season premier so far.
None of the contestants were bad really, but other than Judith none of them were all that exceptional either. And, as mentioned in the review, while still good Judith wasn't even as good as the

I think part of the reason for this is that Idol micromanages their contestants future careers so as soon as they're off the show the PR team can start working. On The Voice they let the contestants do their thing, so it takes them longer to know what the hell to do with them.
That's why the most commercially viable

The problem is that the more popular The Voice gets then the closer its talent pool and audience get to Idols, so we'll get less and less "normal looking" people or singers from less popular genres. That's also why last season there were a lot of contestants in their late tens-early 20s and with no professional