Jackoff Smirnoff

In Soviet Russia account cancels you, asshole!

I Soviet Russia woman has many rights. Right to get food and drink for man and right to get beating if food and drink is not fast enough.

In Soviet Russia…
Three Stooges are considered classic and only complete idiot would try sacrilegious remake.

In Soviet Russia own balls lick you!

In Soviet Russia urine smells like homeless people!

In Soviet Russia Prince should have listened to you!

In Soviet Russia Dexter cuts you!

In Soviet Russia snipe hunts you!

In Soviet Russia all caps poster is well groomed and has many friends!

In Soviet Russia Superman waits for you!

In Soviet Russia we enter through gift shop!

In Soviet Russia border fence keeps illegal alien in!

In Soviet Russia ulcer penetrates you!

In Soviet Russia 'Great Job, Internet' is thing!

In Soviet Russia Patti Smith never heard of you!

In Soviet Russia gerbil put man up ass!

In Soviet Russia Killbot has no idea what you talk about!

In Soviet Russia vermin burns you!

In Soviet Russia Sarah Palin mocks you!

In Soviet Russia publicist shoots you!