Jackoff Smirnoff

In Soviet Russia we don't like the jew either.

In Soviet Russia we just burn gay man, not gay car.

In Soviet Russia pretentious fucks hate you!

In Soviet Russia Pauly Shore reference is timely and funny!

In Soviet Russia Timmy falls down Lassie's cornhole!

In Soviet Russia David Bowie has boner for you!

In Soviet Russia Yee Yee wants to have jew lover babies!

In Soviet Russia shore patrol is called boypussy for army!

In Soviet Russia…
Black operatives turn American kids into video games!

In Soviet Russia Golden Girls smoke crack and watch you!

In Soviet Russia…
Homophobic school board member calls George Takei douchebag!

In Soviet Russia…
Monogamy time out means get drunk and beat other man's wife!

In Soviet Russia beef squashes you!

In Soviet Russia Wikipedia hasn't heard of Nathan!

In Soviet Russia book checks out you!

In Soviet Russia this is also plot of movie called 'Low and High'.

In Soviet Russia star whacks you!

In Soviet Russia electric cars call you gay!

In Soviet Russia all caps poster has big penis and is well respected in community!

In Soviet Russia subway riders rub your crotch!