Jackoff Smirnoff

In Soviet Russia pussy gets whipped!

In Soviet Russia man shaves woman's back!

In Soviet Russia 'hot one' is relative term.

In Soviet Russia at least one of these men would be beaten to death by right wing mob.

In Soviet Russia Christianity makes war on you!

In Soviet Russia young girl pees on you!

In Soviet Russia corn pops you!

In Soviet Russia NPH stands for Not Permitted Here!

In Soviet Russia dump takes you!

What a country!

In Soviet Russia internet steals from you!

Yeah, yeah, it's been done.

In Soviet Russia drunks don't wake up so early!

In Soviet Russia vodka is for drinking, not tasting.

In Soviet Russia documentary shoots you in back yard!

In Soviet Russia week ends you!

In Soviet Russia health insurance company sends you to quack!

You misspelled 'обычными'.

In Soviet Russia David Larry is funny!

In Soviet Russia big brother is too drunk to watch you.  He just steal your money for more vodka.