El Pollo Diablo

Hey, where's Murray the Talking Skull and Ghost Pirate LeChuck? We could form a comedy troupe of Monkey Island-themed commenters.

Wasn't Dave Foley not allowed back in Canada for some reason? Like, he legally owes his ex-wife his kidneys in the divorce settlement or something?

'To Shave a Sailor'. Damn, it's really hard to talk about Achewood online without losing like two hours going through the archive.

'A Moe Szyslak joint': classic.

This reminded me of Gil-John Biggs from Alpha House (both Alpha House and the West Wing use the same shot of John Goodman striding down the corridors of power).

When you put it like that… where's Zapp Brannigan?

Ray Smuckles. Okay, he's a cat, but he's anthropomorphic. He's successful, but never assholey or even boastful about it. He's flashy, but only in the most tasteful ways (like buying Airwolf or Trent Reznor's Volvo of Despair). And he includes his friends in most of his plans, like the all-stoned softball league or the

After Battlefield Earth: Teegeeack Nights

Grauniads of the Galaxy

I've long preferred a Jeroboam myself.

Such was his llove for us, he llaid down his llife here on Earth, that we would llive forever.

The film can show Newt growing up over the intervening time, checking in with her every year as she faces new challenges in her life like alcoholism, family breakups and xenomorph attacks.

I've started watching Sons of Anarchy this year, and now I'm imagining a Pikachu forlornly trying to masturbate its nose, using the fake hands Misty bought it on eBay.

Yeah, surely there are Better Things to say.

He does sound like a Dickens character, now that you mention it. Or maybe a nineteenth-century civil engineer.

Actually, yeah, this would be an awesome bunch to play poker or Smash Bros or something with.

The AV Club presents:

Kid from Love Actually: gruesome death in Game of Thrones
Kid from Batman Begins: gruesome death in Game of Thrones
Kid from Billy Elliott: beating the shit out of Charlotte Gainsbourg in Nymphomaniac
Kid from About A Boy: becomes Beast, grows into Kelsey Grammer

From the pen of EL James:

I liked the Top Gear episode where they sent Jeremy Clarkson and James May to the North Pole in an SUV, while Richard Hammond took a dogsled. Documentary or not, that was a good show. The Hammond half in particular had that 'journey of discovery' feel; mostly that the North Pole is really fucking cold. But I really