
Stallone losing was the highlight of the night for me; I was so sure he was going to win. He's spent 40 years making shit movies. He didn't deserve an award just because for once he gave a half-decent performance in a decent movie. Talk about setting the bar low.

It definitely appears that their "It was so hard to make!" campaign backfired a bit. Thanks for mentioning those interviews. I read them every year and was looking for them last week but for some reason couldn't find them. Doing a search with 'honest' did the trick. :)

It was considered much more of a possibility after it won for Best Ensemble at the SAG Awards (actors make up the largest voting block in the Academy).

It wasn't just pitchy, it was flat-out awful in every way. If he'd sung that way in an American Idol audition, Simon Cowell would have stopped him and said "No."

Ah, correct. The way I read your comment it sounded like you were saying no woman had ever won. My bad.

Oh my god, what a fucking baby, sitting there with his arms crossed.

? Kathryn Bigelow won for The Hurt Locker.

That's just her face.

It reminded me of the documentary Imposter.

Yay! Just watched Spotlight today. If it couldn't be Mad Max, I'm glad it was this one.

You really think there's no art to costume design or hairstyling? Edith Head and Sydney Guilaroff would like a word with you.

Hell. No.

Gwen. She originally had Kitty as the daughter who runs off. It's since been corrected to Lydia.

Or a re-read…

He was asked about it in his first RR back in 2008. It's linked above.

My first thought when I saw the picture up top was "Wow, Keanu's finally starting to look his age." I don't think it's just the haircut, though.

So very much this. Also in complete solidarity with Gwen, as this is the song that made me cry today.

I'm not one to get overly emotional over the deaths of people I don't know personally, and I can't claim to be a David Bowie superfan. That said, I was playing Hunky Dory while I was in the shower and "Life On Mars" came on. I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness and I'll be goddamned if I didn't start crying,

Ah, I guess you're right - it wasn't Sword of Shannara I read, it was Elfstones. I'm willing to bet they decided on the second book because of the YA-style love triangle.

I only read the first book 25-30 years ago. I hated Eretria. I hated the ending. I hated Brooks' obnoxious overuse of "wordlessly." It was no fun at all. I can't believe it was successful enough that there are twelve books in the series.