
I completely agree. I remember one character thinking to herself that she could never make up her mind whether Anne Shirley was pretty or not. I only found out about this series yesterday, and even just seeing her picture on Netflix thought the actress was perfectly cast.


Idris Elba was recently suggested as a contender for the new James Bond. Idris Elba is British. Are you suggesting that only white people are truly British?

They aren't all, though. I'm Facebook friends with an ex-boss. He is neither gullible nor a moron, and he was disgustingly pro-Trump before the election. I hadn't really kept up with him post-election, but I saw a post from him yesterday that made it clear he thinks Trump is doing just fine and this whole Russia

Yeah, I'm concerned too. It's nice that they care - I just assumed that everyone's been pointing and laughing for the last two months. Well, the countries we aren't bombing anyway. :/

I can see how this issue would not be a priority. Frankly I'm totally okay with them finally doing something just to make the Republicans expose themselves (again) as soulless donor-slaves. Did it even occur to any of the Republicans that they are not exempt from this?

Yes! That's who he reminds me of. It's been low-key bugging me.

I'd say it's a solid 65-75%. I have to believe a good portion of the "She's just as bad as he is so I'm not voting/voting third party" camp only did so because they really didn't think he had a chance of winning, and were just as "Oh shit…" on election night as the rest of us.

Hey, some of us like having a place to discuss this shitshow that doesn't involve being called "libtards." I see six other Newswire stories on the front page that are not related to Trump, as well as numerous articles that are in no way political. You're not being deprived. I don't understand comments like this

We stopped complaining because we knew it wouldn't do any good. We just bookmarked our favorite features and made a mental note to check them every day instead of trying to navigate the home page.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I WONDER WHY?


I think it's time to start "THANKS DONALD."

More like "Good eeeeevening."

What fuckery is this?

I'm born and raised, and you're not entirely wrong. It's true that pretty much the second you get outside the big cities it's all farmland, but we're not all backwards. You might be interested in this documentary about the Columbus drag scene that just premiered here this weekend: http://kingsqueensinbetween….

This is the first year in several that I haven't fallen asleep before they finally got around to the big awards. My SO went upstairs to go to bed the second LLL was announced (we were pulling for Moonlight). I had to call him back down for this historic fuckup.

That was clearly an accident waiting to happen.

You're free to say whatever you want. If people here disagree, they are free to call you an asshole. But you already knew that.