
I admit I don't agree about Black Celebration as a whole, but man, that song is just about perfect.

I listened to The Intercept podcast today and Jeremy Scahill talked to a woman who was on the House Judiciary Committee that voted to impeach Nixon. She said Nixon's big downfall was that he clearly thought he could act with impunity, and that she saw the same thing in Trump.

Also, apparently that leaked information was real, hence Flynn's firing, but all the other leaks since are not. Or rather, what's being said is not real. "The leaks are real, the news is fake." Clearly someone pointed out to him that in his Twitter rants he never refuted what was being said, only railed against

The picture's already all over the place, and as SisterMaryFrancis said, he's probably no longer the handler. Funny, Republicans lost their shit when Biden just pointed at the nuclear football guy at a rally, but they could not care less about this actual complete national security fuckup (and I'm including 45's

As the saying goes, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere."

The SO and I get Outback every couple of months because neither of us has learned how to satisfactorily cook a steak. I don't have the most sophisticated palate, but 9 times out of 10 it's fine. I've never gotten anything besides steak except for shrimp scampi, which was good but they took it off the menu. :/

I learned allll the curse words at a very young age from my father's Scottish best friend.

This is the unfortunate truth.

Yeah, this is business as usual. People with gobs of money who don't give a shit pay full price and a fuckton of stuff gets shunted off to bargain stores. I've purchased many designer purses with a higher profile than Ivanka for 50-70% off at TJ Maxx.

I don't mind the Trump posts. I've been very upset for the last two weeks and this is one of the few corners of the internet with sane, civilized, intelligent discussion. I appreciate AV Club giving us a space to talk about everything that's going on, even something as trivial (but awesome) as this photo.

That's just his excuse for avoiding having to climb stairs.

The doll they made of Emma Watson as Belle is more likely to haunt you. Yikes.

_______ could be in trouble, thanks to Trump's pick for ________.

Haha, don't be silly; I doubt he's even seen Citizen Kane. He probably says it's his favorite movie because it's widely acknowledged to be the best film ever made (because why would he have a favorite that wasn't the best?).

I can't remember which movie it was, but that was absolutely a condition for at least one of the movies he and Guber produced back when they were still partners. I have it in my head that it was a Spielberg film.

Yep - Hit and Run. I read that not too long ago. He has quite the temper too. Also, Shampoo was actually based on a different hairdresser, but Peters encourages the belief that it's inspired by him.

I'm reading a book about the history of CAA and in one passage an agent talks about being at a party at Carrie's house (this was when she was dating Bryan Lourd). He mentions that Meryl Streep was at the party and said "No one could make (Meryl) laugh like Carrie. No one could make any of us laugh like Carrie."

That's what I'm saying!

Upvoted for Dr. Phibes.

I have to say that as much as I appreciate their achievements and place in the hearts of the public, I am not really worried about anyone who is in their nineties and has more than lived a full life. If you want to worry about someone, worry about Tom Hanks.