
Don't forget he was in an actual video game movie: Doom.

I collect Barbies, and even I'm not interested in seeing this movie. I am, however, interested in spreading the gospel of OtherBarbie. I got this doll for Christmas one year:

I can't blame you. I just listened to several New Order songs for the first time in many years and came to the realization that the only one I really like is "True Faith."


I'm torn on Caroline. I'm totally on board with Meet Me In St. Louis but strenuously object to recommending the 90s Little Women over either of the earlier versions.

Well, she was a knockoff of her sister Jessica, who was a knock off of Britney, so…

He was on season 5 and season 10. I recall liking him quite a bit on his first season, much less so on his second. He still should have won over (ugh) Hosea.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Thanks for the heads-up! I probably wouldn't have bothered with an American version, but I love Mary.

Excellent choice; certainly a more worthy candidate for this list than The Family Stone.

I loathe The Family Stone. I'm rather distressed that it actually has fans and appears to be approaching some kind of classic status instead of being added to the pile of movies that time forgot.

I would have gladly taken 10 minutes less of any other part of the episode (with the exception of Carl's line).

Yeah, where's Heath been? They finally have an interesting Alexandrian I actually like and they disappear him. Instead we're stuck with Jessie and her dumbass whiny kids.

We were flipping through channels yesterday and stopped for a few minutes on Yours, Mine and Ours. Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball are grocery shopping for their blended family of 18 kids. The checkout scene goes on and on and on as the cashier rings up their purchase, until we reach the grand total: $126. The SO and I

You never go against the family. See: Fredo Corleone.

Ah, you don't say? See there Teti? This is what I would call clickbait. I wouldn't care so much about the bait-and-switch if the article were more "Ha ha, okay, nothing to do with Space Jam really, but it's kind of cool, no?' Instead we get "So Space Jam sucked, amirite? And they want to give the guy who directed

He is, as you state in the article, being honored specifically for all the commercials he directed. Who gives a shit if he was the director of a middling kids' movie?

I didn't read too far, but it was still exhausting. I don't understand how people find the time and energy to argue that hard on the internet. On the very few occasions I've found myself thus engaged I either don't respond or very quickly find myself saying "Yeah, you know what, nevermind. Not worth it."

I didn't think he was being smug; he just couldn't/didn't want to believe the show would pull such a bullshit move. I don't blame him because I felt the same way. Congratulations on being right, though; here, have a cookie. Carol made it, so you know it's good.

It would have been lame regardless, but the way they treated Glenn's "death" on The Talking Dead immediately robbed it of any impact. It was utterly pointless.