
No, I hadn't heard that! I can't remember if Slash ever came into the store. Axl did a couple of times. I don't know about the security system thing - our store didn't have cameras at that time. There was a security booth in the back with a two way mirror so you could see over the entire store. Usually there was

I never actually visited any other Towers while I lived in California, and we didn't have them in my home state. We did have a lot of cool imports because we had a great buyer. That was a weird transitional time - CDs had pretty much taken over but we still stocked a bunch of LPs, and cassette singles were a thing.

I worked at the Tower on Sunset for a year from 89-90. There was a very laid back attitude (the store manager gave us beer in our new employee orientation) and we had those nametags on a chain. That's about where the similarities end. The biggest problem for me is with the store itself. It's supposed to be an

Ha I believe you. Better a lion than a creepy Viking!

That's what always gets me - the idea that if I'd gone down another path I could have kids in their early 20s. I cannot imagine. CAN. NOT. I feel like Diane Wiest in Parenthood: "I can't be a grandmother. I was at Woodstock for christ's sake!" *replace Woodstock with the first Lollapalooza tour*

Hey, I saw that episode of Freaks and Geeks…

Yeah, seeing all these articles is bringing up all sorts of weird mixed feelings because 1995 was also a pivotal year for me. I began a relationship in '95 that undeniably affected the course of my life (everything went to hell for me in 96 and 97 too).

Well, that was a harrowing trip down memory lane. I'd say I recognized 90% of the songs, remembered 75% of the artists, and about half of the actual song titles.

I'm already a fan, but I'll tell you what, that poster is doing its job.

I can't hate on QT too much for his cameos, though the Reservoir Dogs one is probably the worst. At least he had the decency to kill himself off early. The only guy with a smaller part was Mr. Brown, and he was played by a real ex-con, not an actor. I think he actually did a decent job in From Dusk Til Dawn too. I

It really would. Someone downthread asked what the action in the movie would look like if it were true to the comic, and I said like an episode of Hannibal. Not that there's no action whatsoever, but for the most part it's a lot of talking and ruminating.

It's the ghost of Sonia Saraiya haunting the AV Club halls.

Welcome to the real world.

Don't forget Siouxsie Sioux. The point is that Morissette was successful on a massive scale, as in chart-topping, Grammy-winning successful (though I absolutely disagree with the idea that she "demolished the boys' club of alternative rock" and would rather listen to any of the artists you mention than Alanis).

Like an episode of Hannibal minus the food and most of the violent death.

Nothing against Tim Roth, but I actually like the idea of Cumbersnatch for the Corinthian.

That's what has me scratching my head. How could you possibly categorize any Sandman movie as an "action blockbuster"? I mean, I've read the stories about previous attempts to get a movie made and the scripts were ridiculous, but I thought we'd gotten past that.

I remember thinking the mom liked having babies but gradually lost interest in them as they got older. Like, she wasn't interested in raising kids; she just liked the idea of having them and buying them stuff. She wasn't evil or crazy, more kind of distracted and oblivious.

If I had to guess, I'd say it had something to do with Columbine and people blaming it on violence in music, movies and video games.

He voiced Hades for the cartoon series too. I've never seen the movie, but the TV show was actually pretty good.