
Nope. At first he wasn't even going to go to the Oscars, but Bryan Grazer, I think, convinced him that he needed to go to support the movie. Apollo 13 absolutely should have won that year.

I think mine was in 1988 too: Appetite For Destruction. Looking back I have no idea why I chose Guns 'N Roses since I was more of a Cure/Smiths/Depeche Mode girl.

I worked at a record store when they were all the rage, and I felt like a tavern wench every time I had to bend over slightly when I was cashiering. What I really loved were those faux university sweatshirts; those things were comfy. I swear I would wear them today if I were the size I was back in '91. :/

If the womenfolk are sexually assaulted it's their fault for tempting the man. This calls for extreme measures.

Freesia was my other favorite from B&BW! I just checked their site and looks like they still have a "Sheer Freesia." Hmm…

I once bought an ex a rain stick from that store as a Christmas present. The next year he died in an avalanche. Thanks for the nostalgia AV Club!

Me too. This news actually makes me happy, even though I haven't bought anything from B&BW in years. I never used the lotions or sprays but I loved the shower gel. I hated most of the other scents though. Why would you want to smell like fruit?

I recall Drakkar Noir being the scent of choice among the guys at my school.

It's so glossy - it feels more Rick Springfield than John Stamos.

This is honest to god the first time I'm seeing the term 'darkwave'. WTF would goth kids need cover to listen to industrial? Did I miss some civil musical war between Skinny Puppy and Sisters of Mercy fans? Because from what I remember, we were one and the same.

Damn, I'd forgotten all about that record. I fucking love "Motorcycle."

The Force Awakens

I read this story when it first appeared on news sites and the ones I saw didn't even identify her by name. There are thousands of people in the entertainment industry and she wasn't exactly high profile. I'm not surprised it took a day or two for this detail to come out.

That must be the case, otherwise I would have expected The Wicker Man to be on here.

I can see that. Each of the guys falls for one of the women, but they have to pretend they aren't interested to the others because these women are old. Ari makes fun of them for dating a bunch of hags until he meets Samantha, at which point he falls head over heels in love. She dumps Drama and Samantha and Ari get

Leonard Pierce has been gone a long time now.

I would also argue that Kevin Dillon is decidedly lower than B-list, despite his association with Entourage.

I don't care where it is on any list, it is straight up wrong to put Sex and the City ahead of Six Feet Under. Otherwise…carry on.

I noticed - she was awful. I'm sure Ru had already made up her mind, but if the lip sync carried any weight at all, Ginger did not do herself any favors with that performance.

I thought he meant the shade was directed at the finalists. The implication was "Yeah, one of you is going to be crowned, but everyone knows who the real winner of this season is."