
How great was that fakeout??? It was like "Just so you bitches know who really won this season…"

Agreed. I knew she was doomed the second she sent her kids off in a boat, but I was hoping. Ah well.

Agree that Jon Hamm should finally win but I would be so happy just to see Odenkirk nominated. Better Call Saul was my favorite new show this year.

As much as I love McKean I have to give it to Banks. "I broke my boy." I rarely cry at TV shows, but that monologue was heartrending.

Maruchan roast chicken flavor is the best ramen now. There used to a brand called Ty Ling that had an amazing original flavor, but then they started adding pepper to spice it up. They had the best chicken flavor too, but they went out of business some years ago. :(

Great summary. I suppose Ginger is the most well-rounded of the three, but nothing about her says "superstar" to me. Violet has an "it" factor with tons of potential. Violet FTW! (And Katya for Miss Congeniality!)

I believe it. I mean, you're setting a pretty low bar.

My take is more that you're supposed to think the Big Guy is a gentle, shy romantic who's just looking for an opening for conversation. The punchline is that he's actually a lout who just wants to fuck her. I don't think it's funny either.

Every joke is 90% delivery.

Aha! I've seen that movie so many times, I can't believe I didn't remember. Well, I knew it was said by kind of a ditzy blonde.

I can hear that whole "Days of the week underwear" spiel in my head with the character whose boyfriend broke up with her because he couldn't find Sunday. Was that Three's Company?

I thought it was odd that Marah even asked "Is he alive?" I guess it makes sense if she's only aware that there are several Gibb brothers, and that some are dead. Still, it should be easy to remember Andy since he was never a part of the group and died so long ago.

That's what gets me. If it were anyone other than this guy they think they know, these people would be calling him scum and hoping he gets raped in prison. It's Cosby all over again.

Oh, the girls can go swimming. Their swimsuits are basically short-sleeved jumpers that cover them from neck to knee. I think there may also be pants.

That one blows my mind. I never played "Doctor" when I was a kid, but I know it does not involve a 14-year-old boy groping his sleeping sisters, one of whom was only 5.

Obara - the one with the spear.

The only reason Aemon accompanied Sam and Gilly was because Jon was afraid Stannis would sacrifice him. That threat no longer exists. Also, the actor who plays Aemon is in his 90s; it was probably a good idea to wrap his filming sooner rather than later.

Excellent points. His whole objective was to bring Tyrion to Daenerys. Well, there she is and there they are. No time like the present.

I was cringing a little watching that scene (and not for the obvious reason). I fell down a flight of stairs this weekend and four days later I'm still sore. I cannot imagine being in that much fresh pain and being remotely interested in having sex.

I know a couple of people online who are involved with animal rescue/adoption, and was kind of appalled at the way that was presented. Often a rescue dog that's being fostered has come out of a bad situation. They don't just hand those dogs off to any random schmo who suddenly decided it would be nice to have a dog.