
That's one of the things that bothers me about the show. It doesn't necessarily make sense for them to keep living together, but it's all sort of glossed over because if they're not living together there's no show.

I think they should have either given her a concussion and made everything that happened real (maybe minus Dr. Paul), or had her actually fall and be knocked out for a minute with the hip injury dream sequence and end of the episode playing out the same way. Having all that realization occur in half a second made no

I wouldn't have so much of a problem with it being a straightforward sitcom if it were actually funny.

One of the victims already appealed to a judge because she was afraid that a non-redacted police report would get into the wrong hands and she would be identified. The judge agreed and ordered that the report be destroyed (I assume because the statute of limitations had run out and there is no possibility of

Oh. *pulls on Roseanne Rosannadanna wig* NEVERMIND.

They aren't your garden-variety bible thumpers. They subscribe to the Quiverfull movement, which means they don't practice birth control and have as many kids as possible to build an army for God. The man's word is law, the women are discouraged from higher education (they're all homeschooled anyway), and the

Two of my older sisters were Job's Daughters. They're both much older than I, and this was back in the 70s. We have pictures of them at some kind of ceremony. I hadn't thought of that in years and didn't know anything about the organization until I looked it up just now. Makes sense now - their dad was a Mason.

The show didn't start until six years after these events, when Josh was 20. There was a police investigation in 2006 but nothing could be done because for some fucked up reason at that time the statute of limitations was only three years (for child molestation? really?). There was no potential for prosecution.

For some reason I can't find a clickable link in your post. Who is number 6? (And don't say it's the gentleman in my avatar, way ahead of you, har-de-har-har.)

He didn't actually get any counseling. He got a stern talking to from a pedo state trooper and sent away to do hard labor for a few months for one of their friends. The girls were probably told it was their fault for enticing a male.

Because once Christmas is over everyone is already fucking sick of winter and is in no mood to sing happy songs about it.


Yeah, it was Josh. Pretty sure that's not happening now, whatever Huckabee says.

Not arrested, but he is no longer the head of his own ministry. He allegedly sexually harassed women who worked for him and molested some. The youngest was 16.

I'm glad she turned out okay and that you have such a good relationship with her. (This is not at all germane to the discussion, but if her mother is your first cousin, the daughter is actually your first cousin once removed. Your child and the daughter would be second cousins. Or maybe your parent is the mom's

Exactly. Michelle Duggar is not taking care of that house and all those kids all by her little lonesome self.

I just watched Untucked, and that was some BULL. SHIT. Ginger only said negative things about Violet and Pearl because that's what they were supposed to do? No, girl, what you were supposed to do was tell the judges why you should win, not why someone else shouldn't. The worst was Pearl telling Ginger that she had

That whole sequence played out like they were in a Bob Hope/Bing Crosby Road movie. Dumbest shit ever.

I think I would be more on board with it if I didn't have such a kneejerk reaction to 'shipping. There are so few male-female relationships on TV that are 'just friends' and are a pleasure to watch, but for every one there are thousands of 'shippers who just want them to make out already!!! I love Stan, and I love

It's about the journey, not the destination, man. Chill out.