
I think the point is that people don't change, but they can learn and grow and become better, bit by bit. I haven't fundamentally changed, but I know I'm not the same person I was 25 years ago.

Beatniks. That's the word you're looking for. And I agree with everything you said.

I think Bobby's recasting skews the perception here. He should only be a few years younger than Sally, so 13 or 14, but the kid playing him reads really young, like 10 or 11. Those years matter in terms of his relationship with his father. Don should be fully capable of taking over raising Bobby. Baby Gene

The delivery was so great. She said it in the exact same way one would dismissively say "He's an idiot" or "He's a jerk." GO JOANIE.

I think you missed the part where he came up with one of the most iconic ad campaigns of all time.


Whatever time they spent was worth it just for her to say "I would never ask you to choose."

I didn't say it hurt anyone. To me their relationship always felt very much platonic - the kind of thing where if they ever did get drunk and have sex, they'd wake up the next morning and be all "Oh shit." I'm not mad, I just liked them better as friends.

It comes from the Eminem song "Stan" about an obsessed fan.

I was rolling my eyes at enlightened Don, until they showed the ad. Overall an A for me too, though I never shipped Stan and Peggy and thought that was a little fan-service-y.

I did not think it was a good sign that the last we saw of them was them getting on a plane.

I hope you find a way to see it at some point, if only for the incomparable Nina Flowers.

I love her tangents and non sequiters. I look forward to those videos every week more than the actual show.

As much as I hoped, I knew there was no way Katya was going to win. I don't think Ru ever warmed up to her, and for some reason has this weird affection for Pearl and Kennedy. Katya still deserved to at least be in the final three.

I feel the same way. Ginger's been pretty consistent, but I just don't feel she's quite the whole package; I don't think she deserves to win. Violet has killed it on the runway every week and held her own in the performance challenges. Her cockiness was annoying in the beginning, but you have to admire and respect

I don't care what's supposed to be so different or anachronistic or quaint or notable about this recording. I only care that when I listened to it it took me back to when I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977 when I was 8 years old and how special and exciting it was. If it didn't do that for you and all you can

We're Americans. We're rude.

My 17-year-old cousin spoiled it for 11-year-old me. "Oh yeah, Darth Vader is Luke's father. Didn't you know that?" No, because I haven't seen the movie yet, DICK. (Yes, this was in 1980.)

But he had all those cool plastic arms that came out, and the head that popped up! Whatever man, I liked FX-7…

Seriously. It's not like Vader personally addresses IG-88. Every time I ran across one of those figures it was like "Oh, he has a name?"