
I remember going to Children's Palace not long after the figures came out and they had a kids' swimming pool filled with them at the front of the store. C-3PO was the first of many.

Before I was old enough to go to school I was babysat by an older couple. The husband made tapes of us singing songs when I was 4-5 years old, which would have been 1973. (I kept one and ran across it several years ago, but I was afraid to try to play it because it was so old.)

That didn't fly with my friend's mom. The first time we tried to go see it she took one look at the line around the theater and turned the car around.

Yeah, that was distracting. I couldn't watch the video and listen to the audio at the same time. It would have been cool if he'd put in stills of scenes from the movie that matched up to the audio (though I realize many people have seen the film so many times they probably don't need the visual aid).

No lie, I got a lump in my throat just looking at the still from the video.

I'm usually a sucker for family shows like this, but I am so opposed to everything the Duggars believe in that I never had one iota of interest in watching 19 and Counting. I was appalled they got the show in the first place, and I'm sure if I ever did try to watch it I would go blind with rage within five minutes.

That's pretty cool. Also upvoted for username.

To be fair, Jon's sword is made of Valyrian steel, so it was much sharper than an ordinary sword.

For a little context: I didn't find out about the Kumail/Kunal mixup until this weekend, so I haven't read Oswalt's tweets, but it so happens that the writer who did it is Sonia Saraiya (who, if you recall, wrote for AV Club until fairly recently). She pretty much embodies the negative perception of an "SJW." If

I think she and Robert refer to the child in a later scene between the two of them, but I'm guessing Cersei added a little embroidery to the tale she told Cat as to her own feelings about the child's death.

I'm all for it too. They're cutting characters I didn't care for, bringing back characters I love (Jaqen! Bronn!) and doing it such a way that they actually end up telling a more interesting story than the books.

I don't think he has. We've seen the wildlings and Bran, but I don't believe the show has established that Jon and Arya are also capable of warging, as the books did.

I practically did a little dance when Jaqen showed up. I love his character on the show - this is easily my favorite divergence from the book.

I miss Sam's underhanded engineering of Jon's victory, but this kind of made up for it.

It holds up fine. It's still dumb, but it's just as fun (female in her mid-40s here who also saw it in the theater). If I run across it while channel surfing I'll settle in and watch the rest.

*sigh* As usual, The Kinks are entirely left out of the conversation.

No surprise, her review of Silicon Valley is entitled "The bro-tastic startup culture confronts its woman problem in season 2." She barely talks about the episode; it's all about how bro-ey the show is, and Ellen Pao, and the fantastic addition of the Laurie character. She's the most insufferable writer this site's

Seriously? Other issues aside, this really drove me nuts about her: she is so fucking sloppy. And there's really no defense of her never bothering to take 2 seconds to check something on IMDB or some other source.

Is there a place where I can upvote O'Neal for "Alfred, the Werner Herzog of butlers"?

I always wondered if they got Jefferson Starship solely because 'Starship' was in the name. Then again, all the other guest stars were so random, that explanation probably makes too much sense.