
Are you talking about her brother, who wouldn't give her the money, or her husband, who told her he didn't care and she shouldn't either so just drop it? Wait, I know…it can be two things.

Not sure it's the bum-kicking he's talking about. :/

Oh, way better than Tracy and Hepburn. Don Johnson actually married Melanie Griffith - twice!

Congratulations on the new baby! There are 18 years between me and my oldest sister. I didn't know her very well growing up because by the time I was in grade school she was married and having kids, but we're great pals now. That said, downvoted for "relaish" and for not knowing Lenny from Squiggy.

There's a fifteen year age difference between Odenkirk and McKean, and they're playing siblings, which is totally plausible - my mom had her first kid when she was 18 and 36 when she had me. EG's position seems to be that Odenkirk is, by necessity, playing a character twelve years younger than his real/Breaking Bad

In the words of Roger Ebert, I hated, hated, hated this episode. I couldn't finish watching it. It made me cry. I was literally weeping for humanity, real and imagined. I guess I'm getting sensy in my old age because after the past year of Boko Haram, and IS sawing off people's heads and burning them alive, and

No. That's something no person could or should be able to rationalize away. You outlined it in your first paragraph. And even if it had been private, he'll always have the memory. He's scarred for life. It would probably be easier to get over losing a hand or a leg, if that was what was required. And I hate the

Seriously. My SO wanted to watch this series, and I'd vaguely heard good things about it, so I was on board. I made him turn it off after half an hour, at the point it was suggested that the PM was really, actually going to have to go through with this absurd, disgusting act. I was just horrified. I'm not usually

Remember though it was based on the 1940 movie The Shop Around the Corner which was written by a man. Still, Ephron chose to remake it.

I've found that if I'm unfamiliar with a term, it's much safer to check Urban Dictionary or Wikipedia.

Not to take away from Saul's altruism (he was clearly affected by what actually did happen to the skaters), but I think part of his motivation was to see if he could do it. Saul's more of a salesman than a lawyer, and there's nothing more satisfying than closing a sale after some hard bargaining.

All shippers are crazy. It's one thing to become emotionally invested in fictional characters. It is something else entirely to become obsessed with an imaginary relationship to the point where everything else that happens on a show is secondary to your romantic wish fulfillment.

Same, though I'd be happy with just one. I wouldn't say a dragon not because of their size but because of their intelligence; you can't own a dragon. Would I rather Impress a dragon than have a fire lizard? Yes.

Yeah, I don't know if people of a certain age appreciate how TVG was the only game in town. No internet, no cable guide, no Entertainment Weekly. The only channels were the Big Three, PBS, and maybe two or three local stations. Pre-home video/HBO, so it was a big deal to find out what theatrical releases were going

Most of my family lives in the same area, so I only recall having that experience a couple of times, but yes, it was always a little weird and unsettling. "Hey, why is channel 4 channel 7?"

Remember when Cathy Lee Crosby was Wonder Woman?

I dunno…I was wishing for Tara's death for an awfully long time. So long I'd actually stopped watching the show by the time it happened.

TV Guide was my bible when I was a kid. I snatched that thing out of the mail every week and read it cover to cover. I looked forward to the Fall TV Preview issue like it was my birthday.

Oh my god, Loretta Swit's hair by the end of the show…

Typical preppy nickname at the time.