
In the second season there was an episode about Richie campaigning for Adlai Stevenson to impress a girl (the Cunninghams were Republicans…drama!). That would put the start of the show in late 1955/early 1956 (the first season was actually a 16-episode half season).

I won't knock you for not being Will, because the result was a great interview, but man, get an editor. Phrasing! There are times you sound like a high school reporter. "Main people" is the least of it.

Yep. Pretty sure I know as much as I need to about this movie - no need to actually watch it.

I dunno…he strikes me as Shia LaBoeuf without the Transformers movies.
A shithead poseur whose limited success has prevented him from going
full retard in indulging in pretentious douchebaggery.

I'd guess he's less interested in exploring a fun role than he is in becoming a star, and in his opinion that ain't gonna happen playing a sideshow villain in a low-rated cult TV show where you can't even see his pretty face. Mind you, I say in his opinion; if that's his thinking, I believe he's misguided.

I'd say the cannibalism is the least objectionable part of the show. There's nothing so obvious as Anthony Hopkins cutting into Ray Liotta's brain.

Nope. They were grotesque and disturbing, but still strangely beautiful. I think they're my favorite victims, if there is such a thing. I found the Leland Orser situation in Seven far more horrifying. Like a lot of other folks, it's always the eye damage that causes me to look away. Well, and the mural. And

And now I'm depressed, reminded of how many Designing Women cast members are no longer with us. :(

Frank's taste was too folksy for me, but he was so nice. I too was stunned by the wife reveal, but considering his age, I figured they had an "arrangement."

Me too! I forgot about Crying Pam. She was the fireplace woman, right? I posted about this elsewhere in the thread, but there was one poster in particular who was a bit of a fixer-upper herself, and she absolutely loooaaathed Hildi for what she did to some of the houses.

I totally forgot about that show! Sadly, about all I remember about it now is that one of the employees featured died shortly after it aired.

I got exhausted just watching the show; they worked their asses off! I may have had a teeny little crush on Tommy.

That is just appalling. Even leaving the hideous, claustrophobic paint job aside, that is not a livable room. The producers should have intervened the moment Hildi suggested sand on the floor.

I miss Ground Force.

I like Abe, and I think Noah has potential, but otherwise, yeah…the rest can go, especially Glenn and Maggie.

Every once in a while I get a yen for cereal, but even then it's for
Golden Grahams or Honey Nut Cheerios. And, okay, Reese's Puffs.

Why would anyone willingly go into a Hot Topic? That's what online shopping is for.

I was surprised at how pissed off I was that Noah took Daryl's crossbow. Like, step off…do you even know how to use that thing?

Yep. Ladybugs' Picnic is still my favorite.

Oh, so he's a douchebag in real life? He doesn't just play one on TV? What a shitstain.