
I have no experience with Billy Eichner outside of Parks and Rec, but if
his persona is anything like his character on P&R, so not
interested. I also don't know why I should like him;
I can't imagine anyone enjoying that schtick.

Unella is the septa who won't let Cersei sleep until she confesses.

Agreed. And if I had to choose between Mikkelsen and Dancy, I'd go with Mikkelsen. There are some well-deserved nominations in this batch, but it's kind of BS that he wasn't nominated at all, even if they'd put him in supporting.

I don't understand anyone saying there isn't enough material for two seasons from the last two books. There's a ton of shit, even leaving out the draggy Brienne and Dany bits: Arya in Braavos, Cersei fucking things up all over the place, all of the Greyjoys, Jaime at Riverrun, Sam's journey to Oldtown, all of Dorne,

You couldn't ask for a better cliffhanger than Lady Stoneheart in the last scene of the last episode, especially when the viewers are already gasping over Tyrion/Tywin. Too much would be introducing her through Brienne; that would be cramming too much story, and cutting too much out at the same time, and I'm really


I won't blame you for not knowing Mark Burnett or Valerie Harper, but if you love TV, you should know about James Burrows.

Individual Achievement in Comedy
Louis C.K., Louie

The very idea that anyone from Coven be nominated over Maslany, let alone Sarah Paulsen, is absurd.

Oh, that's too bad. I'm so sorry. I was thinking that sometimes kids aren't comfortable challenging their parents on that kind of stuff, at least when they're younger (I know 20 years ago I wouldn't have said anything to my dad…not that he's a virulent racist or anything, but he did and still occasionally does buy

Call her on it. Say "But Mum, what's wrong with a foreign film? Do you really think it can't be good just because it was made in another country where they don't speak English? Why?" You don't have to be combative, but you can engage. I know we're all just bullshitting here, and I don't mean to get super-serious,

Sonia strikes again!

It's just okay. I think it's a little pricey for what you get. Also, their french fries are shoestring style, which is not my favorite.

Every time I visit my dad he asks me if I've watched any good movies lately. I dread it because whatever movie it is, there's a 90% chance he's never heard of it and he either gets confused or loses interest halfway through when I try to describe it. A lot of the time I just say "Nope."

I didn't even know about this movie until I saw this, and now I'm really looking forward to it. I read his memoir and it was just wonderful.

I wondered about that too. Anyone who had any contact with Lysa knew she was nuts, so it's very possible he'll spin it that she killed herself. It doesn't really make any sense that she would do that, considering her obvious psychotic attachment to her son and her new marriage, but if anyone can sell it, it's

I agree with Myles: they may very well have Tyrion encounter Penny, but they'll drop the pig jousting (if for no other reason than it would be a logistical nightmare to have an actor actually ride a pig). I do hope they'll drop Penny entirely, as the story doesn't really need her, and god, she was fucking annoying.

I'm right there with you on Qyburn. Talk about the squickens… I go back and forth trying to decide who's more evil, Ramsay or Qyburn, and I can't make up my mind. They both enjoy their 'work' too much.

Thanks for the thoughtful response; I can appreciate that. Maybe once the show is done you can go back to the books. It might make for easier going if you know what happens in advance and that there are some characters you can't get too invested in.

I'd like to know how this review was written without a single reference to Joe Millionaire, as if this were some despicable scam that had never before been attempted.