
Myles, I'd just like to say I really enjoyed and appreciated this
review. In my opinion, it's what an "experts" review should be. There
is a separate review that is primarily about how the show works as a TV
show, like any other on the site; as far as I'm concerned, the "experts"
review should primarily be about the

I could understand why they did it except for the fact that they changed it from Asha to Yara, which sounds as close to Arya as Asha does to Osha. Not exactly helping. I mean, they could have changed it to anything, but they changed it to something really close to another character's name.

It would make no sense whatsoever to jump to Brienne meeting LSH as the reveal. It should happen just as it does in the books: a coda in the last episode. They can easily establish the Brotherhood confronting a Frey, and then bring out Lady Stoneheart. I honestly can't see how they don't do this, as it's such a

Wait, aren't you the guy who stopped reading because you were so upset that GRRM killed off Yoren? Most of the same characters die. How is watching the show different from reading the books?

The show version was appropriate based on how much they changed Shae's character. Based on the comments on the newbie review, they're plenty upset as it is over how much she humiliated Tyrion with her testimony.

Daario was way more funny-looking in the book, and a hell of a lot skeevier, and I didn't get Dany's attraction to him at. all. Daario 2.0 is a better actor, better looking, and has a better personality. Book Dany/Daario was gross; I have no problem with the show Dany/Daario relationship.

At FARK.com, if someone posts "First" as the first comment on an article, "first" is changed to "boobies" and the comment is automatically moved to the bottom of the thread as more comments are posted.

I swear, after the last few weeks, I never want to see that word again unless it's referring to SCDP in a Mad Men recap.

Are you mentally impaired? I'm just asking,

Hahaha, don't be silly, no they don't.

Not that I ever gave it much thought, but it never occurred to me that "prop" might refer to a person. I always thought it referred to the song itself.

As usual.

And it's always something that is easily verifiable, if she'd take the time to check.

Me too! There are no words for the shots of Daenerys/Jade, Brienne/Sonya, and Cersei/Sheeva. Epic.

That. Was. Awesome. I think I need to watch that again.

Oh good, not just me then.


Exactly. When you're feeling completely worthless, that everyone in your life would be better off if you're not around, and just don't want to deal with anything anymore, you aren't necessarily looking to be helped. You just want it to be over.

Yeah, but in the same vein, Luke thinks Ben is just a crazy old hermit until he meets him and finds out he knew Luke's father. Also, Yoda acts like an annoying goofball at first, so it's no surprise Luke reacts the way he does. If there is one non-human in the SW universe who is treated with respect and dignity