
There are many possible answers to this question, but the correct one is Hair.

I don't get it either. To me he's a slab of meat with a potato face. I'll admit that he was better in 21 Jump Street than I expected, but that just makes him a slab of meat with a potato face with a tiny bit of talent.

So am I. I didn't know he was ever up for Gambit. Damnit Josh! He could have made up for Angela Bassett not being Storm (not that she was in the running by the time the movies got made, but she's my first and only choice.)

Best internet response: "Solange and thanks for all the fists."

Le Cirque in New York got in big trouble for serving them at a luncheon in 1995. The chefs asked the attendees to keep quiet about it, which was dumb, because it was a luncheon being held for the press as a preview for an upcoming high-ticket anniversary dinner. A reporter for the Daily News ratted them out and it

That would explain why Lecter makes Mason fuck himself up, instead of outright killing him. Mason needs to be punished.

Let's go do some crime!

*fist bump* I thought he was fucking brilliant as Lucas in Empire Records. Where's that guy been for the last fifteen years? (I could never bring myself to watch CSI: Whatever).

I just finished Legs McNeil's Uncensored History of Punk, and approximately 75% of the people who participated in or were mentioned in that book are now dead. Notable exception: Iggy Pop, who is a fucking cockroach.

No, he was good. He had a significant recurring role on Party of Five and I loved him in that. Then again, he played one of Elizabeth Shue's rapists in Leaving Las Vegas which wasn't so great. It just never quite happened for him.

Right? That's the name I was looking for. Not that I think this film needs to be made, and I fully support Lillard's non-participation. I'm just saying.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Jesus fucking christ, the 90s. That list is exactly half complete suck and half awesome. I'll let you decide which is which (okay, a gimme…"Mr. Jones" is complete suck).

Well, I just did. Thanks for the laugh. He was aping Layne, and he doesn't have half the voice Layne did. Pathetic.

Don't forget that he is now currently in possession of the only known living Stark heir who is not pledged to the Night's Watch.

I wouldn't call it a familiar, exactly. I think it depends on the animal and the personality of the warg. When a warg…well, wargs, he is taking over the body of the animal or human and bending it to his will. That's why it's considered taboo to warg into another person and why it's so much more difficult - humans

I said to my (non-sci-fi/fantasy reading, only watches Game of Thrones
because I do) SO "Someone bothered to make a chart comparing GoT dragons to other pop culture
dragons…and they didn't even include the dragons of Pern!" His
response: "When you started out I thought you were making fun of some
nerd with too much


I loved that show, and Paris is one of my favorite characters, but I can't remember Strong's name on the show because…well…Jonathan.

Oh. No. She. DIDN'T. Where does she get off throwing shade at my queen Nina? She wishes she possessed one millionth of Nina's fierceness.