
Aw…now you're making me sad. I didn't watch GL past high school, but I have fond memories of Beth and Lujack cavorting on the beach to "Almost Paradise."

I didn't even consider it as a series that might continue - it was just a nice little eight-episode package. Nina Conti was the best thing about the show anyway.

Exactly. It sounded weird to me too at first, then I realized she just meant she was too impatient to watch a series over the course of a couple of months.

Truly. ET was appointment television when I was in middle school/high school.

She marries her father's much, much younger half-brother (so, half-uncle). Her father disinherits her. She goes crawling back to him to get back in the will after her husband dies, but has to pretend they never had kids.

That's what bugs me about this. There are already plenty of real-life counterparts for these characters. You really don't need to photoshop a version of Ursula when she looks like Pat Carroll, the actress who provided her voice.

That would have been so much better than this. Reading those tweets (I only read through the opening scene) just made me want to watch the movie.

Hey now, I may be old, but I was still a few years shy of shaving my legs when the first movie came out. They were making those razors in the 80s. They might still be now, but I'll be damned if I can remember what they were called.

Holy shit. I used that razor.

He was, wasn't he? I had no idea he was only 11 when they shot Jedi.

I would have been much happier if they had decided to keep everyone and gone with a double elimination the next week. Much as I hated seeing Stephanie leave, it really wasn't fair to ask or expect Nick to give up his immunity. It's their show - if they don't like the results, it's on them to suck it up and change

Yeah, but that guy deserved to be told to eat a dick. (I think? Now I can't remember who it was. But she called that chef from Galatoire's a douchebag, which he was, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.)

It is really silly to deride any chef for specializing in one area, especially when it comes to categories as broad as Mexican or Asian cuisine. And has Nick not heard of Rick Bayless?

I don't necessarily dislike immunity on the show overall, but it absolutely should not have been awarded before a team challenge with only three members per team. If one person has immunity, at least make all the other remaining contestants eligible for elimination. This is the only reason I'm not completely pissed

It's part of what makes the movie - Ralphie's a real kid. I didn't see
the movie until I was an adult, but I totally identified with Ralphie in
that the number one concern at that age is to not get In
Trouble. There is not a kid on this planet who hasn't lied so
as not to get in dutch with the folks.

Not true. I can't remember the first time I saw it, but I know I was in my 20s. Obviously it doesn't have the same nostalgia factor for me as it does for people who grew up watching it, but I still love it. I wouldn't put ACS in the same category as the other two movies you mentioned, which, yes, you probably did

My favorite line in the film, tied with "Sons of bitches! Bumpuses!" It's all about Darren McGavin.

I'm sure it varies by store and location. I live in Columbus, OH, and was in both a Target and a Wal-Mart recently. The Target is in the university district, and I didn't notice anything DD. The Wal-Mart was in another part of town, and you could not miss the Duck Dynasty merch - that shit was all over the place.

Don't forget Yahoo. Three or four comments are enough to send you into a deep depression over the future of Amurrica.

I don't disagree with you, and I'm not surprised by this reaction from the general public (or Sarah Palin for that matter, idiot). What's appalling is that we have a sitting governor perpetuating this nonsense.