
I don't care much for Chevy Chase, or Vacation, and I didn't see it
until I was in my early 30s (so there's no nostalgia there), but I
unabashedly love it. My favorite scene is Clark getting trapped in the
attic and watching old home movies. There's a sweetness at its core
that makes it stand out from the other

THANK YOU. I realize Alison Moyet may not be as well known as most of the other artists on the album, but "Coventry Carol" is beautiful and haunting and far more worthy of mention than Stevie Nicks goating her way through "Silent Night" (and I like Stevie Nicks).

Because he looks like one?

Good to know I'm not the only one.

I think it should be allowed in this case. I'd never heard of this douchebag before today, so thank you.

I ran across that last night and couldn't believe it. I got the impression Ralph was there to promote something and begged Susan to come on with him - "please don't make me do this stupid show alone." They both had "What the hell are we doing here?" looks on their faces half the time. It was funny, though, when

You know what's weird? When I first read Prisoner of Azkaban I pictured Grant as Lupin, and I think he could have pulled it off. He can look solemn when he wants to.

Danny and Oswald! They were best friends and they came in fourth. They were so much fun to watch.

Right? You can get your geek on without torturing the poor kid.

Ha. There was a woman who posted on a message board I used to frequent who named her daughter Corinne. That kid would be in her early twenties now, I think.

I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I don't think it's pretty either. It would be pretty near the bottom of my list if I had to pick a name for a girl from GOT.

I honestly think that's the worst one. What an asshole.

I don't know about the pronunciations, but I see them as two separate names too. I don't particularly like either one, but I prefer Kerry over Carrie, especially as a stand-alone name. To me Carrie is a nickname, and I'm irritated by people who use a nickname as a given name.

That's really the way it should be done. My SO has a friend whose last name is close to (but not actually) Kirk, and he named his kid James Tiberius.

It actually made me a little uncomfortable watching her go on and on about the loss of her fake dad on this dumb show when Chris Hardwick just lost his real dad.

Hey now, don't be hating on Will Sasso…

Totally. I'm surprised Zack didn't comment on it.

Eh, she kind of already did that in Constantine, and much as I love Tilda, she is not what I think of when I think "desire."

And suddenly I can't recall a single actor I thought might be right to play Morpheus. Oh my god…I don't even care how he would look, imagine the dialogue…

I can't quit the site entirely, but I refuse to attempt to navigate the
pile of crap that is now the home page. I'm just going to bookmark
Inventory, Random Roles and a couple of other sections so I can check
them for new articles every few days. Maybe I'll check back on the TV
section in a few weeks. Meantime, The