
A perfect 84?  No such thing.  *turns up air conditioner*

Stupid/ignorant.  When asked if she'd ever said the word, she didn't answer "Well, yes, probably in the past I have."  She said "Of course!"  She had a lot of trouble "recalling" plenty of other stuff in that deposition, but the n-word was a total go.

You should check out more.  Cat People, Bedlam and The Body Snatcher starring Boris Karloff, The Ghost Ship, The Seventh Victim…  There's a DVD set, which also includes an awesome documentary on Val Lewton.  http://www.amazon.com/Colle…

She denies the quote in the second paragraph of this story.  Everything else is things she actually did say during a deposition.

I read the whole deposition, and it's abundantly clear that she's the type of person whose racism is so deeply entrenched that she doesn't even realize she's racist.  She doesn't think there's anything wrong with using the n-word as long as it's in a "non-mean" way, and she's utterly charmed by the notion of a bunch

I rarely have this reaction to celebrity deaths, but this is one of those times.  Holy shit.  Fuck.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hated this show.  I watched plenty of game shows as a kid, and Press Your Luck was one of the worst ever.

Freaks and Geeks, no contest.  F&G might make me cringe occasionally, but for the most part it's fond nostalgia.  MSCL is angst, angst, angst - a relentless reminder of the worst, most painful moments of being a teenager.

Me too.  Halloween has always been my favorite holiday.  When I was a kid, aside from loving the ghoulies and ghosties aspect, Halloween was a costume parade and a party in class, all a preamble to the main event, trick-or-treating - going to strangers' houses in the dark.  Kids used to look forward to Halloween

I think the point of this story is that attention for a poorly executed class project = bad, attention for wearing a trash bag for no reason = good. 

Ha, I guess I was the exact opposite.  My first costume was a store-bought Chinaman (it was the 70s and that's what it was called…apparently it's still a popular theme, based on an internet search).  I have no idea whose it was originally because I have three much-older sisters, and I'm female, and I know damn sure I

Man, that is sad.  My mom wasn't a sewer either, and all my costumes were either really simple homemade ones (ghost, angel…both basically white sheets) or hand-me-downs from my older sisters.  The one good costume I had I wore for my fifth birthday (my BD is the 30th).  It was a hand-me-down too, but it was a really

That is so odd.  I grew up in the 70s, and we never went out trick-or-treating until after the sun went down.  I think it was late 70s-early 80s that parents became more concerned about safety and that's when you started seeing an earlier start time.  Even then, kids didn't go out before dinner, at least not in my

@avclub-5751693536add9cb4b813590b0fedbf9:disqus There are way more pointless pop culture arguments (I can't think of them off the top of my head, but I know they're out there).  Look, I like Mike just fine, but he is not Joel.  Joel 4EVA.

Ugh.  I knew we wouldn't be seeing Coldhands when they had Sam talking last week about knowing how to get through to the other side of the Wall.  "Oh, hey, you're Jon's brother, right?  Fancy meeting you here!"  So lame.

Oh, there is so much more Bill to love.  He is the best character on the show, hands down.

@copywight:disqus No kidding.  Millie's adorable, and Cindy already looks like a PTA president.  Jesus, John Francis Daley really did Hulk out, didn't he?  Harris is…still Harris.

Oh my god, I know it's a week late, but, seriously.  The prettiest, most popular girls in my school were all super-nice.  It was the girls who weren't quite so pretty or popular who were huge bitches.

I loved those "Maybe Littlefinger will seek vengeance!" posts. There isn't enough "Uh, NO" in the world.

David Bradley is a lot closer to how I pictured Craster than the guy they cast for the show.  Craster needed to be skinny, dirty, and mean; I think Bradley specializes in skinny, dirty and mean.  (He's perfect as Walder Frey, but I wish they'd found a David Bradley-type for the other role.)