
Jaime lost his hand; I would call that the opposite of things going his way.

I can't say anything else, so I'm just going to "like" the fuck out of your post.

They did a fucking great job of making you think what had to be coming maybe wasn't coming after all.

Which is as it should be.  Hehehe.

I think you misspelled "heartwarming."


You forgot President's Day, and you have to work for the city/state to get those days off.  My SO works for the state.  *bitter*

Agreed.  You got the sense that his stage persona was an exaggerated version of himself, or that he had gradually evolved into the person he was on stage, but never that who he was on stage and who he was in real life were two different people.

Yeah, I didn't know ahead of time who was in the movie besides Damon and Douglas, and had no idea that was her until the credits.  It also took me a few moments to place Dan Aykroyd and Nicky Katt, both of whom were nearly unrecognizable.  Great performances all around though, especially Rob Lowe.

I laughed every time he came on screen.  He didn't even have to do or say anything - fucking hilarious.   

If they do that, they must kick it off with the episode starring John Davidson as a murderous drag queen with a split personality.  GOLD.

Wait, so this is the other one who didn't claim he was kidnapped and forced to buy drugs?  Jesus Christ, what a fucked up family.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus  Agree that Tyrion was not her best option.  We don't know much about Garlan Tyrell, but he sounded like a decent man, and he would at least have gotten her out of King's Landing.  If she'd married Lancel, she would have gotten a not-terrible person with no interest in

I have to agree that Dany/Daario is already more potentially interesting than the books.  I hated Daario, mostly because he was presented as such a 2-D Harlequin bad-boy love interest.  "Dany tried not to think about Daario and his twin curved swords…Dany let Daario violate her in every way imaginable."  Yawn.  And ew.

Oh, seriously.  It was like thousands of AV-Clubbers laughing maniacally going off in my head.

No it does not.  I have to admit I'm rubbing my hands in glee in anticipation of the RW reaction.  I think a lot of show-only folks have been waiting for the other shoe to drop on Robb, but Cat?  That's going to be the big shocker/gut-wrencher, especially when they see Arya get so close to a family reunion.

I don't see any great potential pairing.  I don't hate Sansa, but five books in she's still not a terribly interesting character; there's just not much to her.  She's made a little progress; she's not quite as naive as she used to be, learning more about how things work in the real world (and the game of thrones). 

I watched this film last night for the first time.  All I can say is that the music absolutely worked for me.  I'm not a particular fan of Dunst or Coppola, and I never had much interest in watching this movie, but I finally did and much to my surprise, I loved it.  I can see where the music would be jarring to

At this point we have to stop thinking of "a season per book."  They're already splitting ASOS, and they're going to have to combine AFFC and ADWD because they happen concurrently.  I think we'll see the beginnings of story arcs from AFFC and ADWD in the second half of season four.

What?  No.  Are there people who think that way?  I don't care if he did write that last episode, the books are the books and the show is the show.  Also, I've heard that even though he's credited with this episode, there were some scenes that had been filmed that were shuffled around that were originally supposed to