
Maybe you should have stopped watching a couple of seasons ago, like I did.  I felt obligated to watch last week's ep and the finale, and between those and the retrospective, it made me remember just how fucking great this show could be and how much I loved it.

I am sure that I was but one of millions who said "Mom?" a split second before he did.  Ah, Meredith.  How could anyone say she's a bad mother?  She's so supportive and encouraging!

"Michael may now have a family but that doesn't wipe your personality
completely- there's got to be some of Michael Scott in there."

I agree.  For a bit I thought they had decided the only line he would get was "That's what she said!" which in a way would have been appropriate.

Exactly.  I wasn't sitting there waiting for the Carell appearance, but I figured it out in the moment between Jim saying the line and the camera cutting to Michael.  It was such a good, satisfying, "Of course!" moment.  "That's what she said" was the cherry on top.


It's a redemption arc, similar to Jaime's, albeit more extreme.  It's also Martin's way of exploring human nature and the psyche…how people react and change based on their experiences.  Arya is a prime example (she's actually been significantly softened for the series, and her journey is just beginning). 

I really do admire how the writers have been able to alter characters and scenarios from the book without deviating too far from the primary events/conclusions.  I'm especially interested to see how this Talisa pregnancy plays out.  If she dies at the Red Wedding, whatever.  If she lives and was lying about the


You mean the guy who identified Tyrion as the one who was castrated instead of Theon, and who consistently refers to Olenna as Oleanna? That guy?

It was until the third time they slipped on the rope trying to climb up, and the guy trying to save them was eaten, and then both trailers fell off the cliff around our heroes.  One of the greatest "Oh, come ON moments in movie history.

Well, that's because in SKOW you had Eric Stoltz and the super-cute, cool Mary Stuart-Masterson.  Jon Cryer is, uh, the opposite of super-cute (and by that I mean utterly repulsive), and his Duckie came off as more of an obsessive stalker than the perfect guy right under Andie's nose.

Oh god, I couldn't agree more.  I can see what the producers were thinking re: the vulnerability, but they went so far the other way that you couldn't even imagine Andie and Duckie together (obviously, as they had to change the ending of the movie because test audiences hated it so much).  There was no choice being

I know I'm in the minority, but I appreciate the print pieces.  For various reasons, I can't/don't get to listen to podcasts or watch videos that often.  It is nice when they embed a short audio clip of a particular bit.

I saw a picture of her a few days ago on Tom and Lorenzo's site.  It actually took a few seconds of looking at it to notice the background and realize it was not, in fact, a black and white picture.  Amazing paint job - I forget now who did it for her, but Detox credits him on her Facebook page.

You're right, I misunderstood the question.  I realize now OP was asking how Osha originally got past the wall to come south. 

I don't think he did.  In the books the only experience they had with walkers/wights was with the one that attacked Mormont, and Jon killed that with fire.  Jon found the cache of obsidian on the Watch's march to the Fist and gave a blade to Sam and other bits and pieces to a few of his friends.  Sam killed the Other

You and me both.  Unfortunately I don't think we'll see the actor again as Jaqen abandons the face he was using when he met Arya.  I suppose it depends on how they want to introduce Pate.  If they go with the whole prologue, they could just show Jaqen's goodbye to Arya in the "previouslys" as a reminder of his new

When Bran, Jojen and Meera reach the Wall they take shelter in one of the abandoned forts.  Sam is shown the passage through the Wall by Coldhands, and he brings Bran's group back through to the other side.