
I agree.  I am so ready for Osha and Rickon to hit the road already.  I like Osha's character, but I'm not digging this rivalry with Meera and Jojen.  They have to split up soon - Osha and Rickon can't go beyond The Wall.  It's too much of a deviation from the book, and Rickon has his own story, even if we don't know

Exactly.  It would have been perfectly acceptable to say "Too bad we know how this turns out."  It makes zero sense to say "Gosh, I hope those two crazy kids will make it!" when you and presumably everyone reading the review know that won't be the case.

I saw If Lucy Fell on cable years ago.  My feelings at the time about Eric Schaeffer and the movie can best be summed up thusly:  Him?

@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus I just saw Godfather III for the first time last month (after watching I and II), and that was one of my big problems with the movie.  I think it's because I and II were pretty much made back to back, and in the fifteen years between II and III, Al Pacino became AL

Exactly. I read about awful human beings in the news every day. I do not need to subject myself to fictional awful human beings for recreation.


I'm convinced it's going to happen at some point, and that it will be incredibly frustrating.  Sansa/Jon won't recognize Arya either because too much time has passed or she'll be wearing a different face; Arya will recognize them, but won't say anything because the life she's chosen is so far removed from her old one,

Ah, I see what you're saying.  Even so, the stillbirths in the jars are indicative of how crazypants Selyse is; I don't think it's a leap for viewers to conclude that she has a warped view of her daughter.  It comes off as her projecting her own disappointment that she was only able to deliver a single living child, a

I hadn't read a King book in 15-20 years and picked up this one because it got such good reviews.  I really enjoyed it - it's more along the lines of The Body or Shawshank Redemption than his straight-up horror stuff.  I read Under the Dome next, and enjoyed it too.  I considered picking up another of his recent

It didn't help that they cast an adorable little girl.  In the books the problem for Shireen isn't just that she has greyscale, but that she's rather homely on top of it.  (Not that I have a problem with them casting a cute girl - I actually thought the makeup was okay, and I really like what they're doing with her

I know.  When I read SOS, I wasn't anywhere near as upset by losing Robb and Catelyn as characters as I was by the fact that poor Arya would never be reunited with her mother.  I love her arc in the book, and I understand the path she's chosen, but it makes me sad to think she will never see any of her family again. 

Totally agree.  I hate Patchface.  In the books Shireen is a bit of a cipher.  Here she has a personality, and she's quite likeable.  I loved her blowing off her dad and going to see Davos.

I know!  It's like she's so blinded by her jealousy and insecurity that she doesn't even realize what she's saying.  It was the same during the puppet challenge when she was trying to run down Jinkx by saying that lip syncing was a greater skill than actually being able to sing.  Girl, what?

I'm guessing that he's a lot more like Louie DePalma in real life than we ever imagined.

NO.  And then she dissed Jinkx's contouring!  Has she not seen what Jinkx looks like on camera?  Her makeup skills are amazing.  She did go a little overboard on the "We Are the World" parody, but most of the time she's flawless.

Totally agree with this.  If it isn't Halloween costume, it's a straight-up attempt to be glamorous that always falls just a little bit short.  I love Alaska, and am far more impressed with her now than I was at the start of the season, but I just can't imagine her coming up with anything as inspired as Jinkx's Day of

Oh, right.  SIIIIIIIMMMSSS!  *shakes fist*

I agree.  On the other hand…

You don't have to have read the books to realize the names are wrong - just look at the IMDB page.  David Sims is the one who made the mistake; it's a copy editing issue.  The commenters can spell the names any way they damn well please. 

I hate to nitpick, but it's Margaery, not Margery, and Olenna, not Oleanna.