
Couldn't they at least limit it to current articles?  I got a Read Next for the Emmy nominations.  I thought the AV Club Content Recycler was there to get people to read older articles they may have missed (and is far less intrusive).

Me too.  Talk about slumming.

I thought it was hilarious that when asked if it was a life-changing role, he flatly said "No.  Not at all."  He played a significant supporting character on two different Star Trek shows over the course of 12 years and he's like "Well.  That happened.  Next?"  I think the subtext is "Paycheck, okay?  Don't even get

I think that's the idea behind the "bubble".  They keep a stable of "maybe"s until they've seen everyone cook.  That way they don't fill up spots too soon or kick too many people out and get stuck with losers.

It's not just you.  I hated that song so hard when I first heard it, but eventually it grew on me.  I won't go so far as to say it's actually a good song either, but it kind of goes with my love of the show, you know?

I don't know.  If Alex gets as frazzled in the next competition as she did in this one, especially if it isn't a partner situation, she could go down in flames.  Elizabeth is primarily pastry now, so she could get tripped up.  I have never seen the Canuckian before, so I have no idea how he stacks up against everyone

I know!  I couldn't believe that.  We're talking about food here.  Creativity should only count if the end result tastes good, and if it doesn't taste good, who cares how pretty it looks?

No, I agree; you've perfectly summed up my experience with all three.  There's no doubt in my mind that Chiarello is far more skilled than either Beau or Robert.  I guess what I'm saying is I wouldn't mind if he and Zakarian both somehow made major fuckups that got them eliminated because I think they're dicks (plus,

You really should try to catch this episode on repeat.  I don't mind Alex Guarneschelli on Chopped, but she loves to tut-tut and shake her head at what the contestants are doing as they're cooking.  It was indeed very satisfying to see her losing her shit.  Even her partner, Elizabeth Falkner, was like "Um, Alex isn't

It is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, jump-scare shots of all time, because it works again and again.  I don't know how many times I've watched that scene, and it still gives me goosebumps every time. 

For some reason I'm not getting the option to reply to Synonymous.  So, okay.

Well, he did until he lost.  I'm sure in his novel, he wins and becomes the next Versace.  Don't you just hate the sound of dreams shattering on white marble?

He and Mondo can split the win and fuck everyone else, as far as I'm concerned.  Both charming sprites robbed by evil bitches with 1/1000th of their imagination and talent.

Honestly, that pissed me off even more than him losing the whole shebang.  I knew there was no way Anya wasn't winning (goddamn did they get desperate… "Oh, your collection pieces really suck…we'll just pretend we were always going to send four people to the finals.  Here's an extra $500 - go get yourself some prints

I guess that's my point, though:  Anya *isn't* accomplished.  She has an eye for prints, but her sewing abilities are limited, her point of view is hardly original (see: Uli) and her range is pretty damn narrow (the three gowns in the last challenge were beautiful, but come on…those were all Bert).

She has quite a bit.  Last season the judging was extremely contentious (even moreso than what we saw on the show, apparently).  Nina fought tooth and nail for Gretchen, and she got her way.  I don't think this was all her, though…in this case I think Heidi wanted Anya as much as Nina did.  Who the hell knows where

I think you nailed it.  They liked Anya, plain and simple.  And I honestly think they *didn't* like Viktor, personally, and it affected how they viewed his designs.  Everything you said is true - they gave Anya a pass on things that have gotten much better designers auf'd in past seasons.  The worst really was Nina

It was infuriating.  Viktor should have won.  His collection may have had some problems, but if you look at his pieces throughout the run of the show, he's clearly the strongest designer (and he can sew).  If anyone else in any other season had been as lacking in range and skills as Anya, they would have been gone

Most reality shows are taped months in advance, so double eliminations are always pre-planned.  If anything, they might have to forego a planned double elimination if a contestant drops out of the competition for whatever reason.  They usually do it at the very beginning of a season when there are a lot of people left

You can't win on Chopped.  Amanda Freitag likes her desserts really sweet, so she'll ding a contestant if the dessert isn't up to her personal taste level.