
I was rooting for Sally too.  Chris came off as such an arrogant douche.  When judging time rolled around, if his name wasn't called he always got this look on his face like "Wait, I'm not in the top three?  Are you sure?  How can that be?"

Nah, there was always something off about him.  Remember how excited he got during the shoe challenge?  And he was pretty clearly homophobic and misogynist.  He only seemed normal in comparison to Mr. Disco Dust and Mr. "The red hots are for my mommy!"  In retrospect, it's a little disturbing to recall how he always

He *should* be - there were times Anya was named the winner of a challenge when she didn't deserve it, and times Viktor should have won but didn't.  But he isn't as pretty as Anya, and he doesn't have the "only been sewing four months" backstory.  For the judges to say any of the four finalists could win is a joke,

Mychael's finale collection was terrible - just utterly tacky and awful.  

If she caved on Mondo, she'll cave on anyone.

I just saw that again recently.  It's a small role, but Williams is terrific in that.

Less sense of color than Bangs?

Brokeback Mountain.  The last scene is heartbreaking.

I was going to say The Road, but the whole damn book is pretty bleak.  The ending is inevitable, but still just a tiny bit hopeful, for the moment, anyway.  In the long term…probably not so much.

For what it's worth, the kid who plays Brody's son is 12 in real life.  The character was probably 3 or 4 when his dad was captured (as you say, we don't know how long Brody had been deployed before he was captured, so he could have been even younger).  No DOB on the actress who plays the daughter, but I assume she's

I like that theory  - someone upthread suggested something similar, that he's doing it as a way to calm himself.  Both times we see him doing it he was in a stressful crowd situation with all eyes on him.

Me too!  The S.O. and I always catch up on recorded stuff before we watch our regular shows for the evening.  After work Monday I asked if we were going to watch Homeland and he said "I thought we were going to watch Dexter."  I was like "Oh.  I forgot that was even on last night."  (Sunday is so crowded.  We haven't

@Sam Adams: Don't feel bad. I made the same mistake for the longest time. The difference is that Con Air is *way more fucking awesome* than anything Michael Bay will ever do.

Claire, how soon you forget…or maybe you blocked it out. Tim's already covered "Crazy Little Thing Called Love."

I loved Jessica too, but she was never going to win, and there is no question Jujubee outshone her in the lipsync.

I really like Emilio, and think just about everything he's done (minus the silly string bikini) has been very good. That said, I have to admit I a) didn't care for his graffiti print and b) when I saw the dress, said to myself "WTF is this Pretty In Pink bullshit?" I could not believe Nina Garcia loved it so much.

Rest easy. Maya is not in the final three. Although frankly, I'd rather her than Jay or Mila, who are unfortunately still definite possibilities.

@ 3rd: That's the result. You have never heard of Bukowski, you hear about/see Barfly, *then* you read Bukowski. Besides, if you just read Bukowski, you miss out on the Mickey Rourke in Barfly (talk about a role being a harbinger of things to come…).

Jesus christ, Ensilager, don't remind me of that performance.

"BTW, by saying "they should be doing caveman things", you're missing the entire point. The cavemen on the GEICO commercials were outraged because they aren't recognized for being evolved and intelligent."