
I know it is off topic, but Courtney Cox guesting on 'Go On' was great.

Wow, the video of the murder was a reenactment of the Columbus Circle murder last year. I knew it looked familiar.

I don't remember Bryan Brown sounding that weird and no one is more Australian than Bryan Brown. It sounded South African to me too.

*gestures emphatically*

It is also one of the few times that the show hinted at what Xander's childhood was like. When his Dad appears as a menacing figure at the top of the stairs and Xander's super-contained terror, I got chills.

I loved that neither Lana nor Archer could stay mad at Kazak for longer than a couple seconds.

I enjoyed Chris Colfer and Naya Rivera just screwing around with their boyfriend pillow props at the end of the episode. The New York gang are really fun, I hope they stay allies for a while.

Because that would be giving Tina something to do? And we can't have that.

Remember how ripped he was in the 90's? It's weird how everyone else from UCB tv show looks the same, except him.

Thanks for the recommendation, AV Club! 'Banshee' has punched a hole right into my heart.

Jerry O'Connell strikes again!

Tammi Littlenut is the greatest.

Allison Janney will be playing a cater waiter.

Oh, please. He wasn't making an innocent mistake or asking a genuine question. Unique presents herself as a girl, in manner if not always dress.

Bloodyface III. Every generation gets derpier.

"Bitch took my pillow."

So I guess we found out that Blaine is a versatile top. Everybody adjust their fanfic accordingly.
Finn has never been creepier than in the hotel scene. Good work, Monteith.

*golf clap*

I guess I'm only ever going to see it as Monica & Chandler champagne from now on.

It was very Dean Pelton.