
Yeah, that definitely an immergancy.

I think he has maybe the hardest job on the show as the straight man to everything and everyone around him.

Anyone else catch the shadow of a figure in a top hat when they cut to the cctv footage?

His waterfall acting is unsurpassed.

I hope against hope that Damon's storyline this season is getting away from this "i'm Selfish and Bad without Elena". I mean he is an asshole but so is basically everyone on this show, especially Stefan. Man, Paul Wesley was great this episode but boy do I hate Stefan this season.

Cheadle/Bell - True Detective Season 3.

Thrilling adventure hour podcast "Beyond Belief". It is utterly delightful. I can't recommend it enough.

If Jake new role in the show was just to sit in the background impassively eating chicken and occasionally giving/receiving creepy hand jobs, that would be fine with me.

I think Nora/Mary Louise stuff would have hit harded if it hadn't been shown that Nora was leagues more likeable by herself/flirting with Bonnie. Mary Lou was just a grump.

Agree with all of this except for one. I want Bonnie as the Big Bad. She has the power and the personal knowledge to really eff things up.

I loved Edwards' anecdote and accompanying hand/arm gestures about meeting a german shepherd in the wild.

Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves

I felt like this ep had a lot of really nice shots. That arcing shot over Bonnie waking up was great.

Especially since they did such a great job of making Rebekah sympathetic.

If season 8 was just Bonnie and Damon chillin' in 1994, I'd be fine with that.

Only Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder get to be in every ep. Kat Graham and Candace King are signed up for 17 eps. It's real dumb.

Have Bonnie and Jo ever even met before that party or did Elena just introduce her as someone who had also been stabbed by Kai.

I cannot wait for Bonnie Bennett Not Giving A Fuck to go after Kai. At least Damon and Sheriff Liz had that cute scene.

Yep, it was great.

I was feelin' Kurt just wearing a plain white shirt. He done grown up good.